Page 19 - 2021 Reflections on Bloemfontein Sports
P. 19

Picture Supplied by BHK

                               ANGLING                                                             Ar ticles

                                     By Jürgen Smith                                    -   Bloemfontein Fishing

                                                                                        -   So your dip attracted the
        Fishing sport means different            The Onze Rust annual angling
                                                                                            fish, what now?
        things to different people because       competition was as spectacular to
        the stakes of the competition could      fish in as it was filming in 2020. The   -  BFN Papgooiers Naweek
        be vast. Club anglers know usually       weather presented a few                    Wenke 1.
        are informed before a competition        challenges, but scenic sunsets
                                                                                        -   BFN Papgooiers Naweek
        and they could aim for a variety of      announced that life will be good
                                                                                            Wenke 2.
        categories.                              once again.
        Others don? like the competition at                                             -   BFN Papgooiers Naweek
        all, especially those who fish for                                                  Wenke 3.
        relaxation, time spent with friends,                                            -   BFN Papgooiers Naweek
        or breaking away from stress. The                                                   Wenke 4.
        Bloemfontein angling community
        caters to all personal goals but                                                -   More

        listing most anglers?top 5 goals,
        one will find that catching a fish will
        feature amongst them.
        Reflecting on 2021, we will
        remember dams being filled to the
        brim once again, a rapidly
        expanding ?Bloemfontein Pap
        Gooiers? group creating a
        community that freely helps
        anyone with a variety of interests.                                              Onze Rust 2021
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