Page 7 - diesel shed.pdf
P. 7

vii.   Inauguration  of  the  Indigenously  developed  Air  Brake  Valves  testing
                          equipment:  PCEE/SCR  inaugurated  the  Indigenously  developed  Air  Brake
                          valves testing equipment which was designed by Sri Balraj, SSE and his team
                          for the testing of the air brake valves of the locomotives.

                   viii.   Inauguration  of  the  Indigenously  developed  Head  Light  unit  testing
                          equipment:  PCEE/SCR  inaugurated  the  Indigenously  developed  Head  light
                          unit testing equipment which was designed by Sri Ramulu, SSE and his team
                          for  the  testing  of  the  luminous  intensity  of  the  Head  light  units  of  the

                    ix.   Inauguration  of  the  Indigenously  developed  Exploded  views  of
                          equipment:  PCEE/SCR  inaugurated  the  Indigenously  developed  exploded
                          views of Traction motor BHEL 4907, ECC and eddy current clutch assembly
                          and Auxiliary/Excitor generator models by Sri Ramesh, SSE and his team.

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