Page 16 - January2016Spectrum
P. 16
You Asked, We Answered!

Business Association Car Care

I Have a Newer Vehicle; Do I sill need to be
concerned with Rust Prevenion?
My company is a member of the Cambridge Chamber of Absolutely, Environment Canada esimates up to nine
million tons of salt are scatered on Canadian roads
Commerce can my staf take advantage of the programs the each winter. Municipaliies are now spraying calcium
Chamber ofers? One of my staf asked me if they could? and magnesium chloride soluions on the roads prior
to and ater a winter storm. These deicers are oten mixed with Beet Juice for
Absolutely your membership enitles you and your staf to the beneits beter adhesion to the road surface. The road deicers mixed with Beet Juice
of Cambridge Chamber membership. As a mater of fact we have several and sand are added to the tradiional road ilms that accumulate on a vehicle.
programs that ofer great savings for staf and there families including The result of this winter cocktail is an extremely corrosive substance which
home phone and internet savings!. Staf are enitled to atend events and clings to all the metal parts of your vehicle including brake lines.
network to assist you with geing the word out about your organizaion. Last spring the Naional Highway Traic & Safety Administraion (NHTSA) is-
Many company employees are already taking advantage of these services. sued a broad public warning telling motorist to thoroughly wash the underside
We encourage you to share the beneits of membership with your staf and of their vehicles during the winter months. They ideniied that ater driving
we can assist you with promoional lyers and can also add your staf to just 8 years in harsh winter condiions there was enough buildup of corrosion
our data base so that they can receive event and program updates. to produce dangerous structural problems including sudden brake failure that
could put you and your passengers in danger. Wash your vehicle including the
Inside this newsleter check out our Member to Member Discount page undercarriage frequently during the winter, have a professional no drip rust
there is lots of savings!!...If you have any quesions on our programs please protecion applied yearly and have your vehicle inspected at least twice a year.
call me 519 622-2221 ext 2226. 2396 Eagle Street North, Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 (519) 650-2492

Financial Planning Lawyer

Is mortgage insurance the same as Can I write my wife out of my will?
life insurance? Believe it or not, I have been asked this quesion or a vari-
There are some key diferences: ant of it numerous imes. The quesion is obviously symp-
Post Claim underwriing: Underwriing for mortgage insurance is primarily done tomaic of a troubled relaionship. The short answer is
that you cannot shirk your legal obligaions by dying - and
AFTER a claim not during the applicaion process. That means an individual who your will only comes into efect when you die. Although
has paid for mortgage insurance can be found uninsurable ater a claim there is nothing to prevent you from leaving your spouse
Beneiciary choice. Mortgage insurance protects the lender so the lender is the out of your will, if you fail to make adequate support for
your dependants, they could make a claim against your
automaic beneiciary. Life insurance is directed to your beneiciaries. estate (including a claim to claw back joint property, life
Circumstances vary; paying of the mortgage may or may not be the best opion. insurance proceeds and RRSPs to cover that support ob-
Higher Cost/Declining Beneit: Mortgage insurance ofers a declining amount of ligaion). Dependants enitled to support rank higher in
coverage for a typically higher cost compared to level life insurance. There are no priority to beneiciaries named in the will, being efecively creditors with spe-
discounts for being a non-smoker or being healthy as everyone pays the same cial rights that other creditors do not have. There is another twist - a married
spouse who is let nothing or very litle by will can elect under the Family Law
Portability: Mortgage insurance is not transferable when changing lenders. Higher Act to equalize property - in essence treaing the death like a divorce. Ater all
rates may apply when staring over with another lender. Life insurance ofers stable - there's not much chance of a reconciliaion at that point! Unmarried spouses
& consistent coverage. do not have the same rights as married spouses with respect to property equal-
These diferences are signiicant so take ime to consider what’s best for you. izaion. The elecion by a spouse to equalize has to be made in a short ime
following the death and in a proper manner - so geing legal advice early is
Brenda Poter Phelan CPCA CFP CPA CGA (905) 510.1393 essenial. 708 Duke Street, Cambridge ON 519-653-3217
Not For Proit Real Estate

I have a car that I no longer need. What is What's the diference between a real
an easy and socially responsible opion for estate agent and a REALTOR®?
geing rid of the car that helps me and my “REALTOR®" and "real estate agent" are not in-
community? terchangeable, although some real estate agents
Each year thousands of Canadians decide to donate might like them to be. The term REALTOR® is a reg-
istered ceriicaion mark that ideniies the quality
their unwanted vehicle to Kidney Car, one of the larg- of services rendered by licensed real estate agents
est car donaion programs in Canada. Your car can be who are members of The Canadian Real Estate
donated online, or by calling our toll free number. Our Associaion (CREA). All real estate agents are not
car donaion experts will help answer your quesions and REALTORS®, but all REALTOR® members are real
make the necessary arrangements for pick up. Your vehicle will be towed away estate agents.
for free within 48 hours by our professional tow service. Donated vehicles are
recycled, sold, or aucioned to raise life changing funds. But that’s not all, by do- Gary** & Debbie* Baverstock REALTOR® members are commited to a strict code
naing your unwanted car to Kidney Car, you will receive a valuable tax receipt Coldwell Banker Gary of ethics known as the REALTOR® Code, and are
(min. $300) and best of all your donaion will help The Kidney Foundaion fund Baverstock Realty, Brokerage the only ones who have the right to list your prop-
145 Gordon St
a variety of programs including educaional programs, organ donaion aware- Cambridge ON N1S 4K7 erty on the MLS® Systems of their local real estate
ness and medical research. Even if your car is in rough shape and won’t start, 519-622-7677(bus), boards. To correctly be referred to as a REALTOR®,
it can sill be donated. 888-218-6589(toll-free) a real estate agent must be a member of CREA.
Contact informaion: 1.866.788.CARS (2277) www.GaryBaverstock.Realtor Contact Gary & Debbie and experience the difer-
ence they can make for you.
Proceeds from Kidney Car beneit The Kidney Foundaion of Canada. email: ** Broker of Record; * Broker. Each Oice is Independently Owned & Operated
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