Page 17 - January2016Spectrum
P. 17

The Conference Survival

Guide for Introverts

So, for the last two days I've been at the Receivables Management As- If you aren't sure what to do, go talk to one of the keynote speakers after
sociation of Canada Conference in Toronto -- it's a gathering of inancial they've talked, ask questions about their presentation, take them up on their
institutions, telecommunication companies, trustees, law irms, collection offer that they publicly made to share power point slide decks or resource
agencies, delegates from the Credit Institute of Canada, and more. It's a links, or just take the time to meet them. That's a great place to start.
great event that's a playing ield for folks who are normally competitors or
opposed service providers to break down barriers and share information Another great option is talk to the organizers of the conference about
-- which is awesome. I've gone to four RMA conferences over the last ive volunteering, what's involved behind the scenes in running he show -- not
years, and every time I come away having learned something. only are they going to be passionate, you never know if they might need a
volunteer to help them out...
On the second day, I was pretty beat, over tired, and suffering from infor-
mation overload, and went to the lobby to decompress, and I had a chance Be Yourself
to catch up with my friend Nick, and we had a great talk about introverts Too many people at conferences are too busy being important, being 'big-
versus extroverts, conference 'pods', and selling without selling. He also ger' in their industry than they really are, being smarter or more successful
tried to get me in trouble with passers-by, and plied me with guilt over a than everyone else in the room -- and that's a road to nowhere. Just be
missed coffee day a few weeks back (but that's okay, I can take it). yourself, don't worry about what anyone else thinks or see it as a competi-
tion for ego, and be accepted for who you are.
On the drive home I thought about some of the new people who came to
the RMA for the irst time, who probably felt a bit awkward and on the The Introvert Mantra
edges, and it occurred to me that this particular conference has gotten Shy people survive day to day without issue -- because they don't need to
easier to attend and enjoy each subsequent year, and the longer I've been break the ice with their family, their co-workers, and their friends. They've
involved, and it also occurred to me that I could share some 'survival tips' already gotten past the awkward part. If you aren't sure where to start, stop
for new or unknown attendees to any conference. dreading the need to start and just start -- after you introduce yourself,
or ask a question, or introduce the one person you've gotten to know to
Everyone Feels Awkward someone who wanders into the conversation, you'll ind you are part of the
If you are a people watcher, look at what groups of veteran attendees do at accepted conference community sooner than you might think.
conventions ... they stand in 'pods'. Small circles of people who already
know each other, who maybe even work together, huddling together for Once you have one or two people past the introduction stage, it gets easier
survival. That's a sign that everyone including you inds it a bit awkward to meet folks -- they can introduce you around. Smile, shake hands, and
to make new acquaintances and get to know new people. roll with it.

But that's the point of a conference, isn't it? I think the Introvert Mantra should be "Don't dread starting, just start".
You can catch up with your co-workers when you are back in the ofice.
You can share a beer with the people you know at the end of the day. Conclusion
Break up the 'pod' mentality and go say hello to someone new. Conferences are amazing opportunities to meet people, renew friendships,

When you are talking with someone, be open and inviting -- don't have learn new things, and create professional opportunities. They are not
special events to self-promote, hide in a corner, or duck out early. Going to
your arms crossed, and don't 'close the pod', by forming a closed tight a conference is work -- hard work for people who aren't normally outgoing.
circle. Leave an opening or room for other folks to come and join the But if you start with small steps and stick with it, it's totally worth it.
conversation (as long as it's not a sensitive conversation -- that's different).
When someone walks up, try to include them in the conversation, introduce If you have a need to talk about conference etiquette, or are interested in
yourself, ask what they do, and be polite and welcoming. the Receivables Management Association of Canada's conference (which
Talking to the Talkers should be coming up in about 364 days by my guess).. I'd be happy to share
So you need to ind someone to talk to -- why not start with one of the what I know ... give me a shout.
speakers? The irst RMA conference I saw the keynote speaker (who also
knew no one) standing on the sidelines before he want to give his amazing Blair DeMarco-Wettlaufer
presentation. I went over, said hello, and asked about his topic. He was KINGSTON Data & Credit
thrilled to meet someone new, test run his ideas past me, and chew my ear Cambridge, Ontario
off. And you know what? It was awesome -- I enthusiastically chatted
with him about his ideas and thoughts, and other people at the conference
came and joined our conversation. We were the 'pod builders', not the 'pod
breakers'! Winter 2016 17
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