Page 18 - January2016Spectrum
P. 18

In 1983, CBRE began operations as a Commercial Real Estate Bro- ous" companies by BusinessWeek, as well as ranked 33rd in For-
kerage in Canada, under the name Coldwell Banker Canada Inc. tune's List of 100 Fastest Growing Companies.
The first office was established in downtown Toronto, followed
shortly by the launch of offices in North Toronto and Vancouver. Today, CBRE Limited employs over 2,079 people in 25 offices from
By 1994, the company had become a national corporation with of - coast to coast across Canada. The local Waterloo Region office
fices in major metropolitan centers across the country. provides a full range of real estate services to vendors, purchasers,
landlords, tenants, developers and institutions in the Southwest-
Since then, the company has opened additional offices and ex- ern Ontario market; serving the communities of Kitchener, Water-
panded the scope of its commercial real estate operations to in- loo, Cambridge, Guelph, Brantford and Stratford.
clude Asset Services, Brokerage Services, Corporate Services, Val-
uation & Appraisal, Mortgage & Financial Services, Research and CBRE and the employees that drive it understand the importance
Consulting Services. of giving back to the local community which makes our business
possible. CBRE Cares, the company’s corporate giving and volun-
In 2001, the company turned its attention to facilities manage- teerism organization facilitates this effort by serving as an over-
ment and corporate real estate opportunities in Canada, by form- arching platform to further a wide variety of charitable activities.
ing a joint venture with O & Y Enterprises. In 2004, a 100% interest CBRE Cares leverages the passion and talents of our employees
was acquired and CB Richard Ellis Management Services was es- across the country to create real benefit for individuals in need
tablished with the mandate to provide comprehensive real estate through community outreach and support, disaster-response ini-
services for some of Canada’s best known corporations and most tiatives, and locally driven, regionally sanctioned programs. CBRE
prestigious addresses. Cares is supported by the CBRE Foundation, a nonprofit, public
benefit corporation that funds our company’s philanthropic ini-
In 2005, CBRE was identified as one of the top corporate cultures tiatives. Under its governance, CBRE Cares’ charitable initiatives
in Canada by corporate recruiting firm Waterstone Human Capital have developed from grassroots efforts to a cohesive program
and continues to hire the best young talent. more aligned with our business and values. Over the past 12
months, the Waterloo Region office participated in and donated
By 2006, CBRE acquired The Trammell Crow Company. The acqui- to countless charitable events within the region, including; Hock-
sition expanded CBRE’s leadership and strengthens its ability to ey Helps the Homeless, JDRF Ride for Diabetes Research, United
provide integrated account management and comprehensive real Way, Swing for the Cure, Salvation Army Toy Drive, Habitat for Hu-
estate services for corporate, institutional, health care and gov- manity, Women’s Shelter Programs, Catholic School Boards, Pa-
ernment clients. cific Lifeline Shelter, Food Bank, Cambridge & Kitchener Hospitals
and many others.
In 2007, CBRE became the first real estate services firm to an-
nounce plans to be carbon-neutral by 2010, including CBRE's
As the premier commercial real estate services company, we make
major initiative to assist clients with energy efficiency programs it a rule to seize every opportunity to help our local communities.
at the 1.7 billion square feet of building space that the company Whether it's serving a new client or analyzing a new market, we
manages around the world. 2007 also saw CBRE named one of the make it happen.
50 “best in class” companies and among the top 40 "most gener-
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