Page 133 - First Steps 2023
P. 133

So be patient, like Saul
        was patient. Pause now to      Saul—Acts 9:4-6; 13:2-3
        read Saul’s story on this page.     On the road to Damascus, Saul—a
                                       persecutor of believers—was struck blind
             If you’re not quite able to   when Jesus appeared. Jesus told him to
        articulate what God’s will for   go into Damascus and, once there, he’d
        your life is, don’t worry—keep   be told what to do. A few days later, a dis-
        walking faithfully and you’ll   ciple named Ananias prayed for Saul and
                                       shared God’s will for Saul: Carry the name
        discover it.                   of Jesus to the Gentiles. (Read Acts 9:15.)
             Keep these insights from       In Acts 13:2-3, we read Saul finally
        other disciples in mind as you   received the command to begin his mis-
        journey:                       sionary activities to the Gentiles.
                                            Though only a few chapters separate
             • Often, the weightier the   Saul’s calling and commissioning, most
        decision you face, the more    commentators agree that there was a
        specific the guidance you’ll re-  10-year time period between those two
        ceive. It’s also no coincidence     Like many disciples, Saul—then
        those are the times you’re     Paul—received what he needed to do
        likelier to consult with other   God’s will incrementally.
        believers, dig into Scripture,
        and pray for guidance.

             • Your spiritual gifts may provide guidance as to what God’s will is
        for your life. They’re given so God can accomplish his will on earth; as you
        use them and he works in and through you, you’ll better discern his call-
        ing in your life.

             • Keep a journal. Make note of times of obedience, times of suc-
        cess, what discourages you, and how God has answered prayer over time.
        You’ll start to see God’s fingerprints in your life. They’ll likely reveal a
        direction in which you’re being led.

             • Ask for wisdom. In James 1:5-6, the author tells readers if they
        lack wisdom, they should ask God for it. God gives his children good
        gifts—wisdom is one of them.

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