Page 130 - First Steps 2023
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heavenly Father. How you were raised to think about God has an impact,
as does your history with the church.
As you grow as a Jesus-follower, you’re seeing God more clearly: as
loving, just, and standing with you in a way that’s unshakable.
• You’re God’s child
No matter how you might think of God, he’s long been clear on how
he views you: as his child. His beloved, one-of-a-kind child.
“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God”
(Romans 8:14).
When you said yes to Jesus, you joined a family—and God is your
Father. In Mark 14:36, Jesus called him “Abba” (daddy), and you can do
the same.
• You’re also God’s friend
It’s not a friendship of equals, but God has let us know that friend-
ship is what he’s after—with you, with your discipler, with all who come to
Friends choose relationship. They do what they can to please one
another. And God has done plenty already for you:
“For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of
his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved
through the life of his Son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful
new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made
us friends of God” (Romans 5:10-11, NLT).
When you view God as a friend, it’s no burden to stay mindful of him
as you make decisions. To choose obedience because it flows naturally
out of your friendship with God.
Doing God’s will is a joy when you love God.
And when you’re in relationship with God, it’s easier to know exactly
what his will for you is. With your discipler, read the Relational Rules for
Finding God’s Will column on the next page.