Page 66 - New Hire Book 012022
P. 66

Information posted on the internet becomes public record, can be quickly disseminated, and is
              very difficult or impossible to remove. Here are some generally accepted best practices and tips
              for using social media:

                    Don't overshare. Posting too frequently or sharing too much or irrelevant information is
                     discouraged. Focus on sharing information that is of value or interesting to your contacts.
                    Think long‐term. Your online posts have the potential of existing on the internet for a very

                     long time. Be sure that your posts reflect the way you want to be remembered.
                    Monitor and manage your social media. You are responsible for all content on your own
                     social media. Be the first to correct your own mistakes, and don't alter previous posts
                     without indicating that you have done so. Monitor comments of others on your social
                     media to ensure they are as true, respectful and legal as your own posts. However, do not
                     delete or filter any comments for personal reasons or when they do not agree with your
                     own views.

                    Your posts can have global significance. The way you answer an online question might be
                     accurate in some parts of the world, but could be inaccurate or inappropriate in others.
                     Keep a "world view" in mind when you are participating in online conversations.
                    Protect your privacy. Carefully consider the content of what you publish and be judicious
                     in disclosing personal details.

              Kontoor Brands has the right to view employees' publicly viewable social media profiles and when
              there is concern over violation of this Social Media Policy or any other applicable policy of Kontoor
              Brands, including, without limitation to Kontoor Brand’s Code of Business Conduct, Global
              Information Security Policy and/or Privacy Policy, and the Disclosure of Material Non‐public
              Information Policy. Legal ramifications and disciplinary action, including suspension or termination
              of employment, may be applicable for any employee who does not abide by this and other
              relevant policies. Kontoor Brands reserves the right to suspend, modify or withdraw this Social
              Media Policy, and all employees are responsible for regularly reviewing the terms of this policy.

              If you have questions related to this policy, contact Kontoor Brand’s Legal or Corporate
              Communications Departments. Kontoor Brands respects an employee's right to engage in social
              media and interpretations of this policy will be made so as not to infringe on an employee's right
              to discuss or publish matters related to self‐organization or engage in concerted protected activity.

              Online Endorsements

              There are times when Kontoor Brands and our brands may engage others outside the company to
              endorse our organization, actions or products. If Kontoor Brands or any of our brands has a
              connection to the person making the endorsement, we require that the Endorser disclose that
              connection. Endorsers include independent contractors, agents, speakers, writers, bloggers,

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