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201 Competency-
Based Interview
Questions at a Glance

Today’s employers are likely to ask a variety of competency-based
questions of candidates for their job openings. These questions generally
cover five different aspects of competency: individual responsibility, man-
agerial and leadership skills, personal motivation, analytical skills, and
people skills. Below are typical questions, grouped by the competency
being evaluated.

    Although these questions feature most prominently in the five chap-
ters of Part II, familiarity with them will be helpful in understanding all
the points of this book, beginning with its first chapter. In particular,
Chapters 6 through 10 pinpoint the Key Attributes and Career Values for
identifying these competencies and show how you can highlight these
marketable and transferable skills to greater advantage.

  Competency #1: Individual Responsibility

Decisiveness Interview Questions

       1. There are times when a firm decision must be made quickly,
           and there are other times when it is prudent to consider all an-
           gles before reaching a conclusion. Give an example of a situa-
           tion when you took time in making a final decision. (p. 65)

       2. Rarely do issues arise that are one-dimensional. With that fact
           in mind, describe a time you handled a situation that had dif-
           ferent layers of dimension. (p. 66)

                                      American Management Association
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