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      17. Describe a time when you felt constraints placed on you that
           worked against completing your job effectively. (p. 74)

      18. Give an example of a situation in which you were selected over
           your peers to complete a project. (p. 74)

      19. Tell me about a time when you lacked experience in a specific
           area and needed to outsource an initiative. (p. 75)

      20. Describe an occasion when you were left to your own devices
           to manage a situation. (p. 75)

      21. Tell me about a time when your success was dependent on an-
           other’s decision. (p. 75)

      22. Describe a time when you went against the status quo. (p. 76)
      23. Tell me about a time when you managed a situation on your

           own while simultaneously adjusting to changes over which you
           had no control. (p. 76)
      24. Recall a time when you made an independent decision. (p. 76)

Flexibility Interview Questions

      25. Tell me about a time when you had to adjust to a different
           work environment. (p. 79)

      26. Describe an occasion when there was a fundamental change in
           the way things were done in your workplace. What was your
           response to it? (p. 79)

      27. Recall the last time you felt energized about a project. (p. 80)
      28. Give an example of a situation in which you assessed a person’s

           temperament and how that assessment helped the relationship.
           (p. 80)
      29. Tell me about a time when you had to adjust your priorities to
           meet someone else’s higher priority. (p. 81)
      30. Describe the culture of your organization and provide an
           example of how you worked within this culture to achieve a
           goal. (p. 81)
      31. Give an example of a time when your patience was tested.
           How did you handle it? (p. 81)
      32. Describe a time when you were on the verge of completing
           a task and were asked to abandon the project for another
           project. (p. 82)
      33. Give an example of a situation in which you worked for a
           company where your flexibility skills were important. (p. 82)

American Management Association
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