Page 137 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 137

PeoPLe-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS                  Superficially this looks like a very people-based answer, but there are some
                                                                   real risks with the ‘I am a very nice person’ approach. In most interviews,
                                                                   particularly at managerial level, the interviewer will be looking for evidence of
                                                                   balance in your managerial style. Earlier we mentioned the value of showing
                                                                   that you can flex your style to meet the needs of the situation, and this is not
                                                                   apparent in the answer above. The interviewer is going to have to ask a lot
                                                                   more questions to see if this person has anything other than a laissez-faire
                                                                   management style.

                                                               interviewer:	So	how	do	you	check	that	people	know	what	
                                                               they	need	to	do?

                                                          7 Poor answer:

                                                              “It’s mostly a matter of having an open door so that people can check things
                                                              with me; anything they are unsure about, I make sure I am available.”

                                                               interviewer:	So	what	about	when	you	have	to	be	more	
                                                               directive,	can	you	give	me	an	example	of	how	you	handle	

                                                          7 Poor answer:

                                                              “I suppose there are situations when the requirement is non-negotiable

                                                                   and obviously then I let people know what they have to do by when. I can
                                                                   remember times when it looked as if we were going to miss a deadline or
                                                                   where there was an urgent request for information, and in this kind of situation

                                                              I can give clear instructions if I have to.”

                                                                   Eventually we get to some reference to a more directive style of management,
                                                                   but it still falls far short of being a concrete example and the whole sequence
                                                                   will leave the interviewer doubtful about this person’s ability to behave in a
                                                                   more directive way when the situation requires it.

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