Page 133 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 133

PeoPLe-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS              interviewer:	Can	you	tell	me	about	a	time	when	you	have	
                                                               had	to	communicate	a	tough	decision	about	an	individual	
                                                               or	team?	how	did	you	go	about	it?

                                                          7 Poor answer:

                                                              “OK, well after the merger at my last job, it was clear that the marketing

                                                                   department was overstaffed and that we would have to make some
                                                                   redundancies. I have always believed that ‘clean and fast’ is the best way of
                                                                   communicating this kind of news so I took a lot of time to draft a letter to each
                                                                   individual explaining that jobs were at risk and describing the process we
                                                                   were going to go through in detail. I got a lot of help from HR because it’s so
                                                                   important to get the details right. I made sure that everyone got the letter on
                                                                   their desks at the same time and I made it clear that HR would be available to

                                                              deal with any questions that they had.”

                                                                   This is a task-based answer – it says what the person did but it does not
                                                                   pick up on the subtleties of human communication and behaviour that the
                                                                   interviewer is really interested in. Interpersonal style does not come through
                                                                   and the interviewer is going to have to ask a lot of follow-up questions to get
                                                                   at this detail. There is also a risk that, having noted the task-based approach
                                                                   to the issue, the interviewer will be looking for evidence that this is indeed the
                                                                   emphasis of this person’s style and that the more subtle emotional intelligence
                                                                   skills are missing; in other words, the interviewer will now check for still more
                                                                   negative evidence. Let’s see what happens with the probe questions.

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