Page 131 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 131
PeoPLe-BaSed QueStionS examPLe inteRview anSweRS them on a case-by-case basis, I made it clear that they still had flexi-time
available as a way of smoothing out anything that was particularly difficult in
terms of hours. I also tried to sell the positives; the new shift pattern would help
people to avoid peak travel periods. Doing it this way seemed to work, because
no one raised any grievances and the new pattern was in place without too
much trouble.”
You can see CaR at work in this answer.
n Circumstances: a problematic change of shift pattern in a call centre.
n action: deciding to speak to each person individually.
n Result: no grievances and the new pattern was in place with little trouble.
Just as importantly, you can see the person responding to the ‘human’ side
of the question. The answer shows recognition of concerns, a well thought-
through approach to how to sell the idea (one to one rather than in a group),
and emphasis on the positives as a way of gaining agreement. From this
answer the interviewer can tell that this person is thinking through the ‘people’
implications of the change and has exercised sound judgement as to the best
way of communicating the change.