Page 128 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 128

ExamplE IntERvIEw                                                                              PeoPLe-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

Graduate/trainee management level

interviewer:	Can	you	give	me	an	example	of	a	time	when	
you	have	had	to	deal	with	an	interpersonal	conflict	or	
disagreement	in	a	team?

7 Poor answer:

“There was a time in the design team when one of the senior designers

was causing a real problem. It was his attitude really; he was very critical of
everyone else’s work – even if it had nothing to do with him – but was very
unwilling to take any criticism of his own stuff. The juniors were getting very
de-motivated. In the end we had to get the head of marketing to have a word
and he did improve a bit. I think he was insecure, basically, he still doesn’t

share his own ideas but at least he has stopped criticising everyone else.”

This is not a good example of a people-based answer. There is no sign of what
interpersonal skills were brought to bear to tackle the situation, nor is there any
evidence relating to this person’s approach to dealing with conflict. Indeed,
what evidence there is, is negative! For example:

n	 the outcome is hardly positive
n	 the action was to get someone else to tackle the issue
n	 there is no evidence of getting to the root of the problem
n	 there is some evidence of avoiding the difficult conversation rather than

    tackling it.

By asking a ‘people’ question the interviewer is looking for evidence that you
can deal with difficult conversations; they will not be reassured by this answer.

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