Page 125 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 125

You’Re	hiRed!	inteRview	anSweRS  n	 how flexible your style is – whether can you be democratic or more
                                     directive, as the situation needs.

                                 As in the earlier sections, we will use the CaR model (Circumstances, Action,
                                 Results) as a way of encouraging you to build good answers, so you may want
                                 to refer back to Chapter 1 for a quick reminder of how to use this approach. As
                                 before, questions and answers will be pitched at different levels and we will go
                                 through them to identify the main ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of framing strong answers
                                 to these tough questions.

                                 Employers will be looking for a range of people skills and balance in your
                                 interpersonal style. Choose your examples accordingly.

                                 Recognising people-based questions

                                 Look out for words or phrases like these to help you recognise that the
                                 interviewer is looking for a people-based answer:

                                 influence    persuade      inspire      motivate   team
                                 challenge    disagreement  engagement   culture    succession
                                 talent       cooperation   performance  appraisal  communication
                                 team building attitudes    personality  personal   rapport

                                 credibility  trust

                                 questions containing words or phrases like these are likely to require an
                                 answer based on your perceptions of people and on your own awareness of
                                 your style with other people. People-based questions are trying to get at things
                                 such as:

                                 n	 do you recognise your own impact on other people?
                                 n	 are you typically cooperative – a team player – or are you more


                                 n	 perhaps most importantly – will you fit in?

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