Page 129 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 129

PeoPLe-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS         3 Better answer:

                                                              “There was a time in the design team when one of the senior designers was

                                                                   causing a real problem. His style was quite abrasive; he was very critical of the
                                                                   work of some of the junior designers, to the point that they had started avoiding
                                                                   him. It was bad for team morale and it meant that they weren’t getting the
                                                                   benefit of his design expertise. While I wasn’t his manager, I decided to have
                                                                   a quiet word with him – I wanted to see if he was aware of the impact he was
                                                                   having on people. It turned out that he was under a lot of pressure himself and
                                                                   that a lot of his criticism was the result of his not having time to think through
                                                                   the feedback properly. He really didn’t seem to be aware of just how rude he
                                                                   sounded when he was under this kind of time pressure. I think making him
                                                                   aware of it was half the battle, and while he was a bit ‘off’ about my feedback
                                                                   initially, he agreed that team morale was really important. What he now does is
                                                                   to set aside review time with the juniors rather than them just firing designs at
                                                                   him as they are completed. This seems to be working and the team seems a

                                                              lot happier.”

                                                                   Circumstances, action and result are much more clearly explained here.

                                                                   n	 Circumstances: a problem individual who was causing friction.
                                                                   n	 action: taking the initiative in speaking to the individual.
                                                                   n	 Result: the individual changed his behaviour.

                                                                   As a result, the interviewer will be in a much better position to judge this
                                                                   person’s people skills. In particular:

                                                                   n	 the person recognised that there was a people problem
                                                                   n	 they didn’t shy away from a potentially difficult conversation
                                                                   n	 the people issue was tackled in a professional way
                                                                   n	 the issue was viewed from both sides – the manager’s and the juniors’
                                                                   n	 the good of the team was a clear motivation for action
                                                                   n	 the result seems to have been good.

                                                                   People-based questions are often trying to get an assessment of your
                                                                   emotional intelligence. In other words, how well you understand yourself, how
                                                                   well you understand other people and how well you can flex your style to have
                                                                   the impact you want in a particular situation. This answer ticks a lot of these

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