Page 142 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 142

Senior management level                                                                        PeoPLe-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

At this level of interview the scope will be wider still and the interviewer will
want evidence that you can think about people issues across the organisation.
Issues such as:
n	 communication between divisions
n	 strategies for establishing ‘people’ processes across a business
n	 high-level influencing
n	 establishing and retaining relationships with affected parties.
In our experience, interviewers at this level are particularly concerned about
the kinds of relationships you will build with peers and other related parties,
so your answers need to recognise the ‘process’ part of people leadership,
while still retaining the sense of authenticity that comes from using personal

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