Page 144 - You're Hired! Interview Answers
P. 144

3 Better answer:                                                                               PeoPLe-BaSed	QueStionS		examPLe	inteRview	anSweRS

“Personal contact is clearly important – and I made full use of the launch

party to introduce myself to some of the key individuals that I’d be working
most closely with – but it was also important that I created some forums where
the legal heads could get together – partly to get to know each other better
but also to make sure that topics like continuing professional development
and international standards were on the agenda. I wanted to quickly create
a situation where there were no territorial barriers to our communicating
flexibly and quickly when the situation needed it. We’ve had three legal heads
meetings now and they’re proving to be a valuable way of making sure that
we’re sending consistent messages into the business. I’ve always had a strong
relationship with Alison, the MD, and I used this to let her know what I was

doing so that she could use the forum to communicate with us as well.”

This is a much more ‘corporate’ answer. The human touch is still here,
but there is also a focus on organisation-wide people issues, such as
communication and development.
We will take one more example, one where the question is more about
interpersonal style.

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