Page 23 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 23

A brief guide to ill-health retirement

By Peggy Lamont, secretary of the West           made, either by the Force or the officer, our     appeal stage.
Midlands Police Federation Personnel and         FMA - Dr Bhogadia - will ask for an                   Should the officer be found by the FMA
Equalities Committee.                            appointment with the officer to discuss and
                                                 examine the individual.                           and SMP to be eligible for consideration for
Ill-health retirement (IHR) for police                                                             IHR, the Force then has a panel meeting to
    officers is dealt with under Regulation H        At this point, an initial decision is made    discuss the case and decide on the most
    of the Police Pension Regulations.           as to whether IHR is applicable. In order to      appropriate outcome for the individual.
    In essence, the regulation allows the        do so, the FMA has all of the relevant
Force to ascertain whether an officer is able    medical records. If this is not the case he will      This may either be to retain or release
to carry out the full duties of the Office of    ask for consent to be given for those records     the officer and there is no right of appeal at
Constable and, if that is not the case, to       to be accessed.                                   this stage. If the officer is retained, the Force
assess whether adjustments can be made in                                                          is obliged to make any adjustments
force to allow the officer to continue to work       Once all the information is available Dr      necessary to allow the officer to fulfil a
in a restricted capacity.                        Bhogadia will either reject the application or    meaningful role and consideration should be
                                                 allow it to move forward to the next stage of     made to future career progression.
    The full duties of a police officer are      the process.
listed as:                                                                                             While the IHR Regulation can be applied
l Run, walk reasonable distances, and                Step 2 of an IHR application is an            to all officers, it is important to understand
                                                 examination from an independent GP who is         any financial benefit from ill health
    stand for reasonable periods.                qualified in occupational medicine. This          retirement is dependent on the officer
l Exercise reasonable physical force in          doctor is known as the Selected Medical           currently paying into the pension scheme
                                                 Practitioner (SMP).                               available.
    restraint and retention in custody.
l Sit for reasonable periods, to write, read,        In essence, this is a very similar                If the officer is not part of the pension
                                                 examination to the one the FMA will do –          scheme, ill-health retirement can still be
    use the telephone and to use (or learn to    albeit the FMA usually has a more thorough        considered but will not have any financial
    use) IT.                                     knowledge of the officer as an individual.        reward, it will simply lead to the officer
l Make decisions and report situations to        The SMP is appointed by the Force to              being retired from the Force. Where the
    others.                                      determine whether the officer fulfils the         officer is paying into a pension scheme the
l Evaluate information and to record             criteria for retirement under the Pension         financial element of the regulation is
    details.                                     Regulations. They will determine in the same      dependent on the scheme they belong to.
l Understand, retain and explain facts and       way whether the officer is fit to carry out the
    procedures.                                  Office of Constable.                                  At the moment in Force we have officers
    In West Midlands Police, it is more usual                                                      paying into the 1987 and the 2006 Pension
for the officer to ask to be considered for IHR      There is a right of appeal at both the        Schemes as well as the most recent CARE
than for the Force to request the Force          FMA and SMP stages of an IHR application.         Scheme introduced in 2015. As such, it is the
Medical Advisor (FMA) to make an initial         This is by way of the Police Medical Appeal       Force which can advise on any financial
assessment and recommend whether                 Board and is a very structured and involved       implications of IHR.
ill-health retirement is an option.              process where a panel of doctors, including a
    But it is important to note that both the    specialist in the area the officer presents as        There is a dedicated pensions team who
Force and individual officers have this ability  being unfit for the Office of Constable,          handle all the pensions queries, however,
to start the process, after which there is no    effectively re-do the examination of the SMP.     most officers do not have access to the
difference to the process.                       Following this, the panel will either uphold      financial element of ill-health retirement
    Following the request having been            or overturn the decision. This is a final         until a decision is made as to whether the
                                                                                                   officer will be retired.

Considering retirement?

Retiring from the Force marks a major change in any officer’s life  l Budgeting
so, with this in mind, West Midlands Police Federation organises    l Starting your own business
seminars to ensure members are properly prepared.                   l Taxation
                                                                    l Savings
    The seminars are open to officers in their last three years of  l Investments and finances.
service and are also open to their husband, wife or partner.
                                                                        The next seminars with spaces available will take place on
    They are held at the West Midlands Police Federation office     15 June, 27 July and 7 September 2017.
at Guardians House in Sheldon.
                                                                        To book a place email with
    Topics covered include:                                         your name, work email address, personal email address,
l Managing change and uncertainty                                   personal phone number, proposed retirement date and
l Cv writing and interview techniques                               number of places required. Please put ‘Retirement Seminar’
l Transferable skills                                               and the date you wish to attend in the subject line.
l Police and state pensions
l Managing money and financial changes                                                                             federation April/May 2017 23
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