Page 22 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 22

Growing number of assaults
impacts on of?cer sickness

More than 770 West Midlands Police                      And this is where the Federation is keen  which is calling for tougher sentencing of
           officers were assaulted while on         to ensure that officers receive proper        those convicted of assaulting police and
           duty last year, with some of those       support, through line managers and            emergency service workers.
officers being forced to take sick leave as         supervisors but also through Federation       l If you have been the victim of an assault
they recovered from their injuries.                 workplace representatives and its office
                                                    based officials and staff. West Midlands          while on duty and feel you need support
    The impact of these on sickness levels          Police Federation is also supporting the          please contact your Federation
– and the knock-on effect of this on other          national Protect The Protectors campaign          representative or the Federation office.
officers’ workloads - has been one of the
drivers for West Midlands Police Federation’s           1A0ssPaouilnttoPnlaPnolice Employees
campaign on officer assaults.
                                                        21 howtTtoceAhfrhiobietetsgenvmhasihrieaetaoptesouseuoasdswlnsfetsaf,asssntiubcsihomoleautesnnresteaisdcpctmyaaoooonobupuonldfelialdtfcodci.cieacfntobTtreaoeyomehrpfnnitfc/smpoioatcirshsiuleoottleearrntpmshdforrefeeeiatmaimnsrnnatpttpoedepool.famopfpnTqseyrsobhuoneaeleeepcenictsrer.ioetainsmai.stoastesutnesagass,uorfatwfinlutntshyleahotioscvnonhfeyouatrncllhedobmeovuebfeeilfnedltimchvaiueeenbnnrsvdesOtderiaeegIsCovnratmfeidtfgniotiaoshnrtttneeaeatahfdkptfnehiunwcdebiganitclntisvhahctebes.atseeTthitmehiraegmuinpasssdaetahsi/nrmoeoottudinsraenoflicidrntraosytrmoe,
    “Clearly we are concerned about officers            3 tTThhheeeEDamsMspaMlouylcteheias’sitroSiusbpteoerrevaniisssoeurdreisatsahwaatadreiseac.rulysswioenlfaproeinstupapt othrteisnepxutt
being assaulted in the first place,” says Tom                                                                                                                                                 available local DMM.
Cuddeford, interim chairman of West                                                                                                                                                           in place and confirm that
Midlands Police Federation, “We have seen a
rise in the attacks on officers and also the            4 mwpsCueioutrpslhsleteoinrranveg2’iscsu4oiseoguhsnnpor.ieuseTrrecvshot.iishsvToeeharrelpssbohoeetomhetutenpleldtlproiascyaloetneonedftfamaemvccaototysitrdheoplefloqamtnuyhgiaedc-skotienlwsyrcomniiodfntetnhhneaetegs.iyamittripeivsacepeccrtivaooecnntstiethchqaeeul rmteiogn,hcdbetouswt.soTseu,hlfppeareraerefsvesaisranoaudrblstlyed
severity of the injuries they have received.         5  hwbCsAsRaTtweePhTrutthlTehdcohelohahpiehpalenakalroeelpieurgDgstcansoteessseeuoiMslrmsuaeCmlpshtopeEupeAuMocertwepnmnleebohSustrtl.rlslssSaovlatpaitvduachriyhtoltrisgrgoieseienecnvoeneeoymoepoergesepran,tot.mmeoptrotfmfrTdoeooitplpduhbeoilurpcarmlteelsfeoasohaefrttnteySuoiyheplcneolentevsoretgnaaafedtiinhsfdasfssi.eitbspenfsstuecorueaeiaAesrcttcrmuuehoarsrceoasslelelmottnontiotdashsmtPordhpcenriearofinaledpdadetelastusilottgtetcespiitiheaphtoeorhtotysrioeeennhoeSdlnylodnsiueiroc’lLcfoteanrsebtfoewvsuhrnoyctcsiseogdehcretatctfiioheeallmhfoftof.fyfiraCtgercnfaesheroetnwsdeeshcpermiuveasaoeisoceplelmurrlulrrPeretptbinci.saomhrtpbhetinvyloeaoeiii.idctennfsirerIenffotsafeTf,gmfolreFctaeahjaefaabteucnfeendmlrmtisdocdoseetpenbuitrtimsrcrsoaghegoeetipreihrvewsnisliotsinaooftdy.ihnosotsyuseTohusretoshbuamera,elrieeluymdwsdeiTlsdiancthtd.rniannoacte,ionsiooddtsrotieutdhesfnWbilieaoapedsUenvucMldrnhaddualv.diaiPrscaoltTosavthltnhwuiepebhceidaplaseielbebal,ldltee,
    “We are not talking about officers              7
getting caught up in the middle of a fracas
we are seeing sustained and deliberate              8
attacks on our members as they go about
their duties serving their communities.              9  aosTsaonntVuTohnafeotimfeocfdceiftcuao.dVeimectmmCtsicrhiciomo’tgetispomemihemoesvftepsrepuesnll.tCfflyoaliao-oyionwnitsdnlaugructselniooc,twsdtancatmeeieptantnarshpetdsiseselnttfitmtathueaaanbeslektldleapnitVnomosrttigoisfhccaestetsalniehehlmc‘vtceopvciupoudoiCkctruleieotoidnonnyidvtmbttnseifidea,oastmectofluahdtntensspeheeas.dretedAnobrdtsveesaahsemsikane.g’tedrphfreeeoeltwpvofrsaoiiyuhndafrelotgeseteees,n’trtasvcchotuaeepehrlsaotemeessiisssnmeouaitsvnnpsueeotvllnnpofetbttosyvsefelticoieoieocpgnwreuraupeplotpbdrsiofndeoefblfgaisinceocetteterecmeherudosdeati,f.moiaddforiseipcnssseociatnrusausisfhnlfsat.aginnAsdtgne
    “Our primary concern is our members’
safety but we also have to look at the wider
picture. Even if an officer is only off duty for a
few hours while their injuries are tended to
they are away from their role and that has
an effect on the people they are working
with and the public we serve.

    “Coupled with the effects of their
physical injuries, there is also the
psychological and mental impact of being
the victim of an assault and that can also
make it difficult for them to return to work.”

    Last year, due to concerns about the rise
in attacks on officers, West Midlands Police
Federation worked with the Force to launch
a 10-point plan which sets out how officers
and staff who are victims of assaults should
be treated.

    First and foremost, the plan says that
officers and staff should be treated with the
same care and compassion as any other
victim of an assault.

    But it also states:
Colleagues recover better and more quickly
if they receive the right welfare and
supervision. This also helps to avoid
long-term negative consequences. The
assaulted person’s supervisor should
contact them as soon as it is practical to do
so, preferably within 24 hours. The employee
may play down the impact on them, but
supervisors must recognise the potential
effects of the incident.

22 federation April/May 2017                                                            
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