Page 18 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 18

A guide to half pay
for police of?cers

By Peggy Lamont, secretary of the West            being eligible to be moved to half pay. This is      While this is not an exhaustive list and
Midlands Police Federation Personnel and          done so the Force can make any necessary         the panel can make decisions outside this,
Equalities Committee.                             interventions to allow the officer to return     generally speaking this is adhered to by
                                                  to work and also so it can move them onto        the Force.
Police officers have the advantage of a           half pay at the specified date.
       generous payment scheme for sick                                                                The Force has an obligation to make
       leave consisting of, in general terms,         The Force is obliged to inform an officer    officers aware they are being considered
six months at full pay, six months at half pay    they are moving onto half pay and also to        for reduced pay before they are moved to
and then finally moving onto no pay at 12         consider each case in order to ascertain         half pay but officers should be aware that
months of sick leave.                             whether there is any reason to retain the        this is often by means of a verbal
                                                  officer on full pay for a period of time.        conversation with a supervisor rather
    Police Regulation 28 provides the legal                                                        than any formal process.
basis for this benefit and informs the Force          Retention on full pay is entirely at the
as to how it should manage pay for officers       discretion of the Chief Constable and he can         Officers can, and do, make
who are on sick leave.                            decide to retain whoever he chooses on full      representation to the Force if they wish to
                                                  pay or equally decide that no one should be      be considered for remaining on full pay.
    Essentially all officers will move onto half  retained on full pay.                            This is normally a written submission
pay after having six months off sick. An                                                           submitted via a line manager.
element of confusion sometimes arises                 In practical terms, the Force generally
though when officers are informed they are        makes use of Home Office Guidance with               Each submission is considered in full
being considered for half pay after a shorter     regards to retention on full pay. This           by the panel and, as such, it is helpful to
period of sickness than they expect.              guidance suggests that the chief officer         include any supporting documentation
                                                  might wish to consider retaining an officer      (i.e. Oasis log detailing the incident for an
    This is normally because for pay              on full pay if, for instance:                    execution of duty injury or evidence of
considerations all periods of sickness in the     l They are injured in the execution of duty      diagnosis from a treating clinician).
12 months prior to the date the officer
reports sick are counted.                             (i.e. a broken arm sustained by arresting        The Force will also ask for comments
                                                      an officer or PTSD arising from a work       from the SLT the officer reports to. A
    So, for instance, if an officer has three         incident which has been diagnosed as         submission to the panel is not always
months off sick and then returns to work for a        such by a treating clinician).               required for a decision to retain on full pay
month before reporting sick again, in order to    l If the officer has a critical or terminal      because of this.
calculate when half pay will commence the             illness.
Force will look at sickness history 12 months     l If they have applied for ill health                A Federation representative is able to
prior to that date, which will encompass the          retirement (AND had a certificate of         attend and observe the panel’s decision
previous three months’ sick leave.                    disablement from the Selected medical        making and also to advocate on behalf of
                                                      practitioner).                               officers. The Federation representative is
    West Midlands Police holds a panel to         l If they are awaiting adjustments in the        not a decision maker in the process and is
decide sick pay decisions and these are held          work place for a disability.                 there primarily to inform and ensure
some time in advance of the officer actually                                                       fairness.

18 federation April/May 2017                                                             
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