Page 16 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 16

Sickness procedures

How to report sick                                  will be an opportunity for:                           For calculation purposes, the period of
If you’re unwell and unable to come to work         l Your supervisor to welcome you back.            entitlement for sick pay is based on the
you should report sick to a supervisor as           l You to talk to your supervisor about your       cumulative sickness absence for the period
soon as possible on your first day of absence                                                         in the year prior to the first day of the
and before your normal start time.                      absence and anything else you want            current period of sickness absence.
                                                        them to know.                                 Extensions to sick pay
    You should tell them:                           l For you both to discuss and agree what          The regulations are mandatory but give the
l The reason for your absence.                          support the Force may provide.                Chief Constable (delegated to the head of
l How long you expect to be off.                    Sickness on public holidays and rest days         HR) a discretionary authority to extend pay
l Any urgent work, meetings or court                There’s no entitlement to compensation,           which may be exercised considering each
dates.                                              either as time off, payment or another day in     case on its merits. Although each case will
                                                    lieu, if you’re sick on a public holiday, a rest  be considered individually, a case is likely to
    In most cases, the Force will expect you        day or a rest day in lieu.                        be given favourable consideration in the
to make contact, rather than a relative or          Attendance at court during sickness               following circumstances:
friend.                                             absence                                           l The officer’s incapacity is directly
keeping in touch                                    If you’re absent from duty due to sickness,
While you’re off sick, you should keep in           you will still be required to attend court.           attributable to an injury or illness that
regular contact with your supervisor. Ideally,      Sickness during annual leave                          was sustained or contracted in the
you should agree the next call or meeting           If you become ill during annual leave, you            execution of their duty.
each time you speak.                                should follow the normal sickness reporting       l The Force Medical Officer advises that
visiting your GP                                    procedures. You will need to get a Fit Note or        the absence is related to a disability as
If you’re off for eight days or more you’ll         equivalent proof of illness if you’re away            defined by the Equality Act 2010 and the
need to visit your GP to get a Fit Note. The        from home.                                            chief officer considers that it would be a
Fit Note will explain if:                               Your absence will be treated as sickness          reasonable adjustment to extend sick
l You’re not fit for any work and for how           absence and the annual leave will be                  pay, to allow (further) reasonable
                                                    re-instated if your absence is covered by a           adjustments to be made to enable the
    long. Or,                                       doctor’s Fit Note and you’ve followed                 officer to return to work.
l You may be fit for some work; in some             sickness reporting procedures.                    l The officer is suffering from an illness,
                                                        Sometimes GPs may be reluctant to                 which may prove to be terminal or
    cases coming back to work can help your         provide a Fit Note for short periods of               life-threatening.
    recovery and help maintain your general         absence. Or they may make a charge. You           l The officer has been referred for
    wellbeing. If you think there are aspects       should explain to your GP that you’re on              consideration of ‘permanent
    of your work, even if it’s not your full role,  annual leave and need to provide a Fit Note           disablement’ as part of the ill-health
    that you could be doing, you should talk        so that your annual leave can be reinstated.          retirement application process.
    to your GP, and your manager, about it.             Where your GP makes a charge for a Fit            Each case is assessed entirely on its own
    When you receive a Fit Note, you need to        Note then, in these circumstances and             merits and is personally reviewed by the
discuss the contents with your supervisor           where you produce a receipt, the Force will       head of HR before a decision is made. All
and send it to them soon as possible. If you        reimburse this cost.                              cases where discretionary pay decisions are
become long-term sick your GP may decide            Carrying over annual leave entitlement not        made will be monitored and may be
to refer you to the National Fit for Work           used due to sickness absence                      reviewed if the circumstances change.
Service in which case you should inform your        If you’re off on long-term sick leave then        Recuperative duties
manager.                                            you’re permitted to carry forward up to one       Whether it’s recommended by your GP on
visiting occupational health                        year’s accrued statutory holidays to the next     your Fit Note or not, before you come back
While you’re off your supervisor may refer          leave year.                                       to work your supervisor should discuss
you to occupational health, the purpose of              You should use this as soon as possible       whether you need any temporary
this is to:                                         but within 15 months of the end of the leave      adjustments to help your recovery. They may
l Understand the impact your health has             year. Carry forward of annual leave is based      seek advice from occupational health.
    on your ability to do your job.                 on statutory entitlements and not your                Recuperative duties might include:
l Understand what further support can be            contractual leave. Statutory leave is 28 days,    l A phased return to work.
    provided.                                       including bank holidays.                          l A change to the hours or shifts that you
l Understand what adjustments could be              Ill-health retirement                                 work.
    made to your role.                              You can ask to be considered for ill-health       l A change to the duties you do or your
l Seek specific work-related advice that            retirement at any time, if you meet the               role.
    your GP may not be able to give.                eligible criteria.                                l Adaptations to your working
l Allow you to discuss your health with             Officer’s sick pay                                    environment, and/or
    someone who understands the likely              This is governed by Regulation 28 of the          l Working from a different location.
    impact of your ability to do your job.          Police Regulations 2003. This provides for:           You and your supervisor should explore
Return to Work Discussion                           l Full pay for the first six months’              all of the reasonable and possible options.
When you come back to work after any                    cumulative absence, then,                     Any changes will be agreed on a temporary
period of sickness, your supervisor should          l Half pay up to 12 months of cumulative          basis.
hold an informal Return to Work Discussion              absence.
with you. This discussion is an important
part of supporting your return to work. This

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