Page 15 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 15
Federation concern
as sickness levels rise
At a time when workforce numbers continue to do more with less.” implications for retirement and pensions.
are declining, the number of officers And Paul is concerned about the number What is really evident is that time moves
and staff off sick is rising – and this very quickly for those off long-term sick in
is not a coincidence says Federation of colleagues who are not members of the terms of reducing pay.”
representative Paul Ford. Group Insurance Scheme and therefore do
not have Regulation 28 insurance cover So, what is the solution to solving an
During the first week of January 2017, which provides £165 a week for 12 months. increasingly sick workforce?
681 police officers and staff at West
Midlands Police were off sick. And on There are currently around 1,000 West Paul says: “We need more people. We
Monday 27 February, a total of 651 officers Midlands officers who are not part of the need colleagues looking after each other.
and staff were off ill. scheme. We need more investment in occupational
health facilities and better training for
Paul has been looking after the “For those colleagues who are not in it if supervisors in understanding how they can
Regulation 28 Half Pay/No Pay Panel since they fall outside the very strict criteria to be support and access help within Force.
the summer of 2016 and says that over the retained on full pay, namely an injury on
last few months the number of officers duty, a life-threatening condition, such as “Supervisors also need to be given the
reporting sick and the complexities of cancer or where the Force has been unable time to deal with colleagues who are off sick
sickness within Force are more apparent. to provide a reasonable adjustment for a and maybe the Force could provide the flu
disability, they will be reduced in pay,” he jab, like the NHS who proactively immunise
He explains: “The numbers of officers says. their staff before the winter flu hits.”
that are reporting unwell is considerable
and this percentage is increasing with the “For people who suffer from everyday Some officers reminisce about the days
Force police officer establishment shrinking. illnesses associated with modern living, when the Force would reward people with
broken bones, heart disease, some 100 per cent attendance with an ‘always
“The complexity of the illnesses also pregnancy related conditions, gall bladder, there day’ or £60 in gift vouchers.
seem to be getting more challenging for line kidney issues and mental health issues, such
managers and those trying to support as depression, anxiety, PTSD, that are not Could it be a possible solution?
colleagues who are off. work related, half or no pay is a real issue. l For more information or to join the
“With police budget cuts, we see a “Clearly, these colleagues are under even Group Insurance Scheme, visit
shrinking work force, increased stress and more pressure to try to get better before or contact the
more pressure on those expected to they trigger no pay. This could also have Federation office. federation April/May 2017 15