Page 19 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 19

Could you manage on half pay?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, could I pay all my

bills if my pay was reduced by 50 per cent, due to prolonged

long-term sickness pay reduction?

Officers can find themselves on half                During half pay sickness, you may have      £24.04 per month you are paid £660 per
          pay due to being off work sick for    seasonal demands - birthdays, holidays and      month tax free, while on half pay sick leave,
          six months. But officers who are      Christmas. Also, emergencies costs such as      plus also included:-
members of the George Burrows Group             car issues, kitchen appliance breakdown and     l £115,000 life cover - 20 per cent
Insurance Scheme are provided with £660         costs of dependent children. This can make
TAX FREE per month while on half pay up to      you more vulnerable to increasing debt in           terminal illness benefit.
age 65.                                         order to meet day to day needs and you fall     l £10,000 critical illness cover.
                                                into a ‘debt trap’ for which the ability to     l Child death grant.
    Having sick pay cover in place via the      escape diminishes over time.                    l Best Doctors.
Group Insurance Scheme will help mitigate                                                       l Personal accident cover.
the risk and eliminate any nasty financial          If you find yourself struggling with debt,  l RAC motor breakdown.
shocks of prolonged long-term sickness – it     don’t ever ignore it as it may only get worse.  l Worldwide travel insurance.
provides a safety net of income while on half   Be aware George Burrows have a financial        l Mobile phone and gadget cover.
pay, during your six to 12-month sick pay       welfare specialist - Caroline Harris, who has
income reduction.                               more than 26 years’ experience working              Full details of cover and conditions can
                                                alongside the Police Federation and can         be found in the policy wording which is
    We can worry about the financial            support you and make you aware of the           available to view on the Federation website.
implications of being off sick, and also the    agencies available to support and assist you.
additional stress this causes. The Group                                                        West Midlands Police Federation is an Appointed
Insurance half pay sick scheme provides a           Over the last five years, West Midlands     Representative of George Burrows. George Burrows is
cushion for long-term absence and the           Police officers have been paid out nearly       a trading name of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance
financial problems which in turn cause extra    £600,000 tax free from the George Burrows       Brokers Limited, which is authorised and regulated
emotional stress. Simply having the right       half pay sick scheme.                           by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office:
protection in place can greatly reduce the                                                      Spectrum Building, 7th Floor, 55 Blythswood Street,
stress associated with being on half pay sick.      Did you know by paying into the             Glasgow. G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland. Company
                                                Federation Group Insurance Scheme for just      Number SC108909.                                                                          federation April/May 2017 19
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