Page 4 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 4
Interim chairman’s introduction “
PC Keith Palmer: a brave
of?cer whose sacri?ce
will never be forgotten
“He was someone who left for work today expecting
to return home at the end of his shift and he had
every right to expect that would happen.
Photo courtesy Express & Star Westminster on 22 March 2017. of whom suffered life-changing injuries, a
I think everyone can relate to those speedy recovery.
By Tom Cuddeford, interim chairman of
West Midlands Police Federation words but they somehow have added I think as a nation we all knew that an
significance for police officers. Front-line attack of this kind was likely to happen.
Those were the words of the Acting officers never quite know what their shift Our security status was clearly affected by
Deputy Commissioner of the will bring but they all join up knowing the terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere
Metropolitan Police Mark Rowley they could well have to put themselves in Europe with the Westminster incident
speaking just hours after the horrific between the public and life-threatening coming a year to the day since the three
stabbing of PC Keith Palmer at dangers. co-ordinated suicide bombings in Brussels,
two at the airport and one at a Metro
PC Palmer acted in the finest traditions Station. These despicable acts really
of policing. He faced danger, put himself in meant it had become a case of ‘when, not
harm’s way and sadly made the ultimate if’ in terms of the likelihood of a terrorist
sacrifice. attack on UK soil. Yet, the Westminster
atrocity somehow still felt really shocking.
In the words of MP Tobias Ellwood who
tried to save the brave officer, PC Palmer The response from the police and other
‘gave his life in holding the line against emergency service workers was incredible
terrorism and defending democracy’. and it was heartening to hear the words of
praise from the Prime Minister, police
His bravery will never be forgotten. leaders, MPs and the public.
Our thoughts are with his family. They
too had every expectation that he would All too often, as police officers we find
return from his shift as normal and they ourselves criticised but I think, on this
now face the reality of re-building their occasion at least, people were appreciative
lives without him. of the very real dangers we face and the
The horror we all felt as we realised incredible role we play in society as we
the gravity of the incident as news reports face danger while others run away.
started to filter through is nothing when
compared to their loss, and that of the Days after the attack, it was revealed
families whose loved ones were also killed that the whole incident – from the time
in the attack. We extend our sympathies the attacker drove his car into pedestrians
to them, and we wish those injured, many on Westminster Bridge to when he was
04 federation April/May 2017