Page 8 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 8

Pensions update

The Police Federation of England and Wales      increasing costs of public service pensions    we are aware of the potential detrimental
(PFEW) has published two updates on             that is fair to public servants and other      risks and because we believe that
pensions.                                       taxpayers’.                                    transitional protections are a good thing as
                                                                                               we aim to achieve a positive outcome for as
    The two documents, FAQs based on                We opposed its introduction and its        many of our members as possible.
regular queries from members, and a             application to existing officers, but it was
timeline setting out the background to the      introduced by the enactment of new primary         In the judges’ Employment Tribunal (ET)
current situation, were issued at the start of  legislation. The Government has the            ruling it was found that the transitional
March.                                          mandate to govern in the way it sees fit.      protections in the judges’ scheme did not
                                                Why did the PFEW not challenge the             represent a proportionate means of
    Both documents can be read in full on       Government?
the Federation website but here are a few of    The PFEW sought legal advice throughout
the key points.                                 the process and was advised that there were
What did the PFEW do to prevent the CARE        no grounds to successfully challenge the
pension scheme?                                 introduction of the new scheme.
There was nothing the PFEW could do to
prevent the scheme from being                       All avenues regarding the legality of
implemented. It was the only scheme             overall scheme introduction have been
proposed by the Government and was in line      considered, including public law (judicial
with the CARE schemes proposed for other        review); European law, human rights and
public service workers. The Government is       discrimination.
not required to negotiate with the PFEW on
pension provision. It informed us of its            A group of police officers decided to put
proposal to introduce the scheme in 2012, as    in a legal challenge to the transitional
it needed a ‘long-term solution to the          protections in the 2015 CARE scheme. The
                                                PFEW has not followed this course because


   2011                                            2012                                        ‘signi?cantly too high’ proposed level
March 2011 – The ?nal report of the             March 2012 – The second part of                of member contributions, the proposed
Independent Public Service Pensions             Thomas Winsor’s review is published,           accrual rate and the proposed normal
Commission, led by Lord Hutton, is              and includes a section on pensions,            and deferred pension ages.
published. In his report, Lord Hutton           including backing for Lord Hutton’s
spoke of a need for comprehensive               call for a ‘normal pension age’ of 60.             PFEW seeks legal advice on the
reform in order ‘for public service             The Home Secretary writes to the               proposals including on the legality of
employees to continue to have access            Police Negotiating Board (PNB) chair           the introduction of the scheme bearing
for the foreseeable future, to good             with proposals for the 2015 CARE               in mind the ‘no worsening’ protection
quality, sustainable and fairer de?ned          Scheme. PFEW was part of the staff             contained within the Police Pensions
bene?t pension schemes’.                        side of the PNB, which engaged in the          Act 1976. This advice said there was
                                                consultation to try improve the                no legal basis to challenge the
  At Budget 2011 the Government                 proposed terms rather than ?ght the            introduction of the scheme and that
‘accepts Lord Hutton’s                          introduction of the scheme, as the             the effect of the relevant section of the
recommendations as a basis for                  Home Secretary could implement the             Police Pensions Act 1976 could be
consultation with public sector                 original terms of the proposal                 negated by means of primary
workers’.                                       regardless. The PNB was dissolved in           legislation.
May 2011 – Home Secretary Theresa               October 2014 and police pensions now           September 2012 – The Home Secretary
May announces at the Police                     fall under the remit of the Police             announces the Reform Design
Federation of England and Wales                 Advisory Board for England and                 Framework for the 2015 CARE
(PFEW) annual conference that she               Wales (PABEW), of which the PFEW is            Scheme, laying out the key details of
has asked Thomas Winsor to consider             a constituent part.                            the scheme, including improved
police pensions in the second part of           June 2012 – The then PFEW general              transitional arrangements and access
his ongoing Review of Police Of?cer             secretary Ian Rennie – in his capacity         to the pension from age 55 (subject to it
and Staff Remuneration and                      as Staff Side secretary – responds to          being reduced for early payment
Conditions.                                     the Home Secretary with key concerns           before age 60). The PFEW issues FAQs
December 2011 - Danny Alexander,                including: the importance of pensions          on the key details of the new scheme.
the chief secretary to the Treasury as          in terms of recruitment and retention;         November 2012 – The PFEW issues
part of the coalition Government, lays          the unique nature of being a police            FAQs around miss-selling of pensions
out plans to change public service              of?cer and the unusual features of the         and similar claims.
pensions, with the aim of saving                police pension arrangements which
money for the taxpayer. An increased            re?ect the unique nature of policing.    
cost to public service pensions of              He suggests the new scheme should
£32 billion a year was behind the               only apply to new recruits and
proposals, and they led the way to the          highlights concerns around the
introduction of the 2015 CARE                   transitional arrangements, the

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