Page 6 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 6

‘Good’ rating for Fo
after HMIC ‘effectiv

West Midlands Police Federation                   vulnerable from harm, and supports victims,    demanding roles and as the pressures
            has welcomed a watchdog               something Tom Cuddeford, interim               intensify they are increasingly suffering
            inspection report that grades the     chairman of the Federation branch, agrees      stress related illnesses which we are working
Force as ‘good’ in terms of its effectiveness at  with.                                          with the Force to try to reduce.
keeping people safe and reducing crime.
                                                      “This report shows that, on the whole,         “While they are enabling the Force to
    The report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate      the Force is maintaining an effective service  perform well in terms of its main priorities –
of Constabulary (HMIC) highlighted several        for the people of the West Midlands and is     fighting crime, dealing with anti-social
areas where the Force was performing well,        managing to do that despite the huge cuts      behaviour and protecting the public – I am
saying it was ‘good’ at preventing crime,         to its budgets,” says Tom.                     concerned that it is not always supporting
tackling anti-social behaviour and keeping                                                       victims or vulnerable people in our
people safe, ‘good’ at how it investigates            “This is testimony to the hard-working     communities as well as it should.”
crime and reduces re-offending and ‘good’ at      officers and police staff who remain
tackling serious and organised crime.             committed to serving their communities             Of particular concern to HMIC was the
                                                  despite the pressures they face through        Force’s response to domestic abuse, with
    However, the watchdog was concerned           dwindling resources and increased demand.      inspectors saying the Force’s policy ‘does not
over how the Force protects those who are                                                        provide confidence that risk is always
                                                      “They are working long hours in


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