Page 9 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 9

achieving a legitimate aim and were             protection – by which officers could miss out   judges’ ET ruling was against the transitional
therefore discriminatory in protecting some     on being able to remain in the old schemes      protections put in place, stating that those
members too well.                               by just one day of service or by being born     given the protections had been treated
                                                just one day later. This allows those officers  better than could be justified based on the
    The subsequent ET ruling in the Fire        to benefit from continued membership of         evidence.
Brigades Union (FBU) case ruled in their case   their earlier scheme for longer.                How many colleagues are protected/
that while the transitional arrangements in                                                     partially or not protected?
the firefighters’ pensions were                     More than half of members were able to      In total, more than 67,000 of our 121,000
discriminatory they were justifiable as they    either have full protection or tapered          members had either full protection (more
represented a proportionate means of            protection, while previously accrued rights     than 49,000) or tapered protection ( just
achieving a legitimate aim.                     were also protected for all officers with       over 18,000).
Did you influence the scheme at all?            Police Pension Scheme (PPS) 1987 and/or         How many members were affected, to a
Yes. We ensured that:                           New Police Pension Scheme (NPPS) 2006           detrimental effect, by the pension changes
l Officers have the ability to retire at 55     service.                                        introduced by this Government?
                                                                                                It is not possible to pinpoint this as not all of
    from the CARE scheme (with their                Unprotected members and those with          those officers in the new scheme will suffer
    pension actuarially reduced from age        tapered protection who transfer to, and         an adverse effect to their future pension
    60).                                        remain members of, the new scheme also          accrual. Some people in the new scheme
l There was an extension of those covered       benefit from the application of ‘final final’   might actually be better off.
    by full transitional protections and also   salary in the calculation of their accrued      What happens next?
    those within four years of full protection  pension and members who were in the PPS         We will continue to monitor the situation
    received tapered protection, therefore      1987 also benefit from weighted accrual.        with public service pensions and await
    avoiding a ‘cliff edge’ scenario. This      If Federation legal advice is wrong, will you   further information on both the appeals
    enabled more members to be covered          fund a legal challenge for all officers?        which have been lodged. We have chosen
    than was the case in the Home               No. The legal advice is just that – advice      not to challenge because we believe that
    Secretary’s initial proposal.               – and, while we have taken that on board,       transitional protections are a good thing.
    PFEW was in favour of transitional          we do not believe that a challenge based on
protections. Part of these protections have     transitional protections is in the best
ensured that there is tapered protection for    interests of most members. The debate is
some of those officers in the previous          not confined to a legal argument, with a
pension schemes, to avoid a ‘cliff edge’ of     number of factors to be considered. The

  2013                                           2014-15                                         2016-17
April 2013 – The Public Service                 October 2014 - February 2015 – The              August 2016 – The PFEW issues FAQs
Pensions Act 2013 is enacted. Section           draft Police Pensions Regulations 2015          on the purchase of additional bene?ts.
18 prevents further pension being               are issued for consultation with the            January 2017 – An Employment
earned in the Police Pension Scheme             PABEW. PFEW continues to seek legal             Tribunal brought by judges ruled that
1987 or the New Police Pension                  advice.                                         the Government’s transitional pension
Scheme 2006 from 1 April 2015, other            March 2015 – The Police Pensions                arrangements for judges amount to
than in accordance with transitional            Regulations 2015 are laid before                unlawful age, sex and race
arrangements. It also bypasses the              Parliament, 27 days before they were            discrimination because they could not
‘no worsening’ provisions of the Police         implemented. PFEW issues FAQs on                be regarded as being a proportionate
Pensions Act 1976 by enabling the               the new scheme.                                 means of achieving a legitimate aim.
2015 CARE scheme to be created                  April 2015 – Of?cers without                    The PFEW details the possible
under new primary legislation, which            transitional protections are of?cially          implications for police pensions, and
the Government was entitled to do.              moved over to the 2015 CARE Scheme.             the differences between the judges’
September 2013 – PFEW continues to              Of?cers with tapered protection are             and police schemes.
receive legal advice around the                 moved over when their tapered                   February 2017 – The Fire Brigades
possibilities of challenging the                protection ends. The PFEW continued             Union’s (FBU) Employment Tribunal
proposals.                                      to receive legal advice around any              ruling is handed down and the ruling
November 2013 – Home Of?ce                      possible challenges.                            is in favour of the Government, stating
Circular 14/2013 gives further details          August 2015 – FAQs are issued by the            that the discrimination inherent in the
of the new scheme and the                       Federation on the 2015 CARE Scheme              transitional arrangements used in this
transitional arrangements. The PFEW             legal position.                                 scheme was justi?able on the grounds
issues FAQs.                                    October 2015 – General secretary                that they were a proportionate means
                                                Andy Fittes answers a range of                  of achieving a legitimate aim. The FBU
                                                questions on the 2015 CARE Scheme               announces it will appeal the ruling.
                                                in a video FAQ. A group of of?cers              March 2017 – The Ministry of Justice
                                                instruct lawyers Leigh Day and form             announces its intention to appeal
                                                the Pensions Challenge Group. The               against the ruling in the judges’
                                                grounds for their challenge to the              Employment Tribunal. The PFEW
                                                transitional protections goes against           issues further FAQs relating to police
                                                the legal advice the PFEW has                   pensions. These are summarised
                                                received. A response is issued                  above and published in full at
                                                explaining why the PFEW is not        
                                                backing this challenge.                                                                          federation April/May 2017 09
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