Page 5 - Federation magazine: April / May 2017
P. 5
shot in the grounds of Parliament – was ‘The reality of terrorist
over in just 82 seconds, showing, I believe, attack was still shocking’
just how quick officers were to react.
The terrorist atrocity in London was still “This incident highlights the very real
Of course, it also highlights why it is shocking, despite the fact that everyone risks that police face each and every day.
important for us to have fully trained knew an attack on UK soil was highly likely, Officers will tonight take the opportunity to
armed officers not just in key locations but national Police Federation chairman Steve hug loved ones and seek comfort in the
also around the country so that they can White said a few hours after the incident. company of friends and family. But one will
respond should such an incident occur not. The pain of that officer’s family, friends
outside of the capital. The level of terrorist As people were watching the incident and colleagues will be shared by us all.
threat in the UK remains at ‘severe’ so I am unfold, the Police Federation of England
sure firearms training and recruitment is and Wales (PFEW) issued a statement “Our hearts go out to their family and
going to stay under discussion by all saying the news that a police officer had our thoughts are with them and their
involved in counter terrorism. been killed, defending the safety of others, colleagues at this terrible time along with
had left both colleagues and the public others who have been injured today.”
Just two weeks before the numb.
Westminster attack, Home Secretary Just a few hours later, the Met
Amber Rudd said that only in exceptional “No words can capture how members confirmed that PC Keith Palmer (48), an
circumstances would authorised firearms of the policing family will feel after today’s officer with 15 years’ service, died after
officers be suspended for using their guns, horrific events,” Steve said. being stabbed as he tried to stop the
saying their decision must be based on an terrorist outside the Houses of Parliament.
assessment of threat to life, including The Metropolitan Police confirmed that
their own. one of their officers died after confronting A father and husband, he was an
a man in the grounds of Westminster unarmed member of the Parliamentary and
There had been concerns that officers Palace, shortly after 2.30pm. Three other Diplomatic Protection Squad who had
were reluctant to put themselves forward police officers were also injured – two served for 15 years.
for firearms training due to the long seriously it later emerged – after a car
suspensions others have faced after firing struck a number of people on Westminster Prime Minister Theresa May was among
their weapons in several high profile cases. Bridge. those paying tribute to PC Palmer, telling
fellow MPs ‘his actions will never be
I welcome the Home Secretary’s Steve explained: “We have lived in the forgotten’.
comments on this issue as we are all knowledge that an attack on UK soil has
aware of forces struggling to find officers been highly likely for nearly three years. At 9.33am the morning after the attack,
willing to become firearms trained. Everyone is firmly aware of this fact but it a minute’s silence was observed in
makes it no less shocking when it becomes Parliament and in front of New Scotland
I am also pleased Ms Rudd has a reality. Yard.
approved the new X2 model of Taser so
that officers will have an effective means ‘Every inch a hero’
to protect themselves and the public. We
are waiting to hear how the roll-out of Prime Minister Theresa May led tributes A fund set up in his memory by PC
this piece of kit will be funded but to PC Keith Palmer telling the Commons Palmer’s colleagues in the Metropolitan
hopefully this is something that can be on the morning after the Westminster Police reached the £700,000 mark within a
resolved. attack: “He was every inch a hero.” week of his tragic death. The money will be
given to his wife and young daughter.
Turning attention to another issue, I His family described him as a
am pleased to report that the Force is now ‘wonderful Dad and husband’ while As a mark of respect PC Palmer’s
actively considering issuing an appropriate Cressida Dick, the incoming Met shoulder number - 4157U - will be retired
spit guard to provide better protection for Commissioner, said: “We will never forget and not re-issued to any other officer.
officers. his courage.”
I called for personal issue spit guards Brave of?cers to be honoured
when I presented to the Force’s executive
team earlier this year and chief officers Two West Midlands Police officers have safeguarding of their community. No
have now agreed to scope this issue. Spit been nominated for this year’s national officer should have to experience what
guards, I believe, are part of essential kit Police Bravery Awards. they experienced on that night and their
now for police officers who are being efforts are no doubt worthy of
assaulted, spat at and bitten on an almost PCs James Neilson and Ryan Patel, recognition.”
daily basis. who are based at Digbeth Police Station,
have been put forward for the prestigious PCs Neilson and Patel will join brave
The health risks associated with award for bravely tackling armed robbers officers from across England and Wales at
spitting make it a particularly vile type of as they fled after raiding a corner shop. this year’s bravery awards which will be
attack so I am sure members will welcome held in London on 13 July.
the fact that the Force is now looking into In praising the two officers, PS Lee
allowing them to use spit guards. Wigan says: “This incident demonstrates They and their partners will attend a
the dangers faced by police officers on a Downing Street reception attended by the
daily basis. The officers demonstrated Prime Minister, the Home Secretary and
extreme levels of bravery, selflessness, the police minister before the gala awards
composure and commitment to the evening at The Dorchester Hotel. federation April/May 2017 05