Page 12 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 29th June 2020
P. 12

corrosion and chemicals, even if it has been
       scratched or dented after suffering an

       Specialist solution
       For manufacturers or packaging
       specialists looking to minimise
       HACCP  risk  factors  when
       specifying geared motors, there is no                          Whether the
       question that it pays to choose a                    application would benefit
       specialist solution. The HiflexDRIVE range   most from a stainless steel design or an
       is available in three sizes ranging from 80 Nm   aseptic coating depends on the sort of
       to 330 Nm in standard, aseptic and stainless steel   working life it will be exposed to. Our engineers help
       designs; with power ratings up to 6.3 kW   customers to assess their environments and provide
       depending on the size selected. A two-stage gearbox   expert guidance on the most appropriate choice
       design allows ratios of up to 109:1, depending on   with consideration to efficiency, reliability, risk and
       gear type, and allows a wide range of applications   long-term cost saving.
       to be covered.             

     Long service life

     with virtually zero


     SL2 - Stainless Steel Based Slide System

                                 Tel: 01884 257000
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