Page 8 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 29th June 2020
P. 8
Simple to install
The simple installation of
the sensor is largely due to
its symmetrical and centred
design with one sensor
element ahead of the sensor
tip allowing it to be
optimally installed in the
process, regardless of the
installation position and
orientation. The flow sensor
has a robust stainless steel
housing that accommodates
all the electronics, so there
is no need for complex
wiring or control cabinet
installation. the sensors installed so far are reliably returning the
The FlexFlow also meets the requirements for results we need means we will install more of
protection to IP68 (Baumer protect+) making the them.”
sensor, together with the materials used, the ideal FlexFlow sensors are suitable for flow rates of
solution for hygienic applications. Another 10 to 400 cm/s and temperatures of between -25
exceptional feature is its maximum temperature and +150°C so are ideal for cooling systems that
range to 150ºC, which also qualifies it for operate at high temperatures. They are available
sterilisation-in-process (SIP) tasks. either as analog versions (4-20 mA) or with user-
Arla has already installed around 15 of these adjustable outputs using IO-Link. For applications
flow sensors in the cooling circuit and heating with frequently changing batches or different
system and the plan is now to also integrate these process steps, the IO interface is the best option as
sensors into the CIP return line to monitor and it allows for simultaneous parameterization of
optimise the energy consumption at these points as several sensors, simplifying switching point
well. Mattias Abrahamsson concluded, “This has adjustment and saving time.
proven to be a cost-efficient solution and because
Save yourself the trouble.
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