Page 7 - Industrial Technology EXTRA - 29th June 2020
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made significant efforts to reduce the energy called ‘Baumer Hygienic Connection’ which has
balance when the plant was designed. effectively optimised the cleaning times at the Arla
For example, it uses to the maximum extent the Falkenberg plant.”
low external temperatures of the Swedish climate to The temperature sensors from Baumer’s
achieve a cooling temperature of 0.5ºC for the CombiSeries product range were also developed as
cooling circuit which cools the produced cheese a result of the close collaboration between Arla and
from 60ºC down to 30ºC. However, energy losses Baumer’s Development Centre in Aarhus, Denmark.
that Arla had been unable to locate for some time Martin Leupold explained, “This close collaboration
occurred here as well. is allowing us to get to know our customers critical
Mattias explained, “The features of the technical issues and we can use that knowledge to
FlexFlow sensor caught our attention as they develop or suggest solutions that can optimise their
seemed exactly what we’d been looking for.” Martin process in a sustainable way.”
Leuplod, Product Manager for Process Sensors at To solve the problem of monitoring energy
Baumer said, “Baumer has been collaborating with consumption the choice fell to Baumer’s FlexFlow®
Arla Foods for many years dating back to the sensor because it could easily be integrated into the
1990’s. This cooperation has seen the development existing plant and is able to measure both flow and
of a new process connection for milk production temperature.