Page 20 - E-Modul Penanganan Guest Laundry Hotel
P. 20
Customer : Here is my laundry.
[Ini laundrynya.]
Valet : Good. May I check your laundry first?
[Baiklah. Boleh saya cek dulu laundry nya?]
Customer : Sure, check it first.
[Boleh, cek dulu aja.]
Valet : So, you have four shirts, three t-shirts, a jacket, and two trousers. That’s ten
items in all. Is that correct, Sir?
[Jadi, Anda punya 3 kaos, 1 jaket, dan 2 celana panjang. Totalnya ada 6
barang. Apakah benar, Pak?]
Customer : Yes.
Valet : And there’s no damage to any of the items. Do you have any further
instructions for your laundry, Sir?
[Dan tidak ada kerusakan di barang-barangnya. Apa Anda punya instruksi
tambahan untuk laundry Anda, Pak?]
Customer : Well, can I ask for dry-cleaning? Because I have to wear them in the morning.
Also, be careful with the jacket as the fabric is very fragile.
[Bisakah saya pesan cuci kering? Karena saya harus pakai itu besok pagi. Dan
juga, hati-hati dengan jaketnya, soalnya bahannya mudah rusak.]
Valet : Noted. It seems you need the clothes quickly. Well, in that case, I’d
recommend the express service. If you order express service, you’ll get your
clothes back by two hour.
[Baiklah. Kelihatannya Anda butuh pakaiannya cepat selesai. Kalau begitu,
saya merekomendasikan layanan ekspres. Kalau Anda order layanan ekspress,
pakaian Anda selesai dalam dua jam.]
Customer : Sounds good. How much does the express service cost?
[Usul yang bagus. Berapa harga layanan ekspress?]
Valet : It’s twice as much as the regular service.
[Harganya dua kali lipat dari layanan reguler.]
Customer : Okay. I ordered the express service.
[Oke. Saya pesan yang layanan ekspress.]