Page 13 - 4. Modul Ajar BAB 1
P. 13
Modul Ajar Kurikulum Merdeka
“Ask at least ive classmates about their identities. Use the expressions in the
table. Write their responses in the Worksheet 1.8.”
3. Guru meminta peserta didik menyimpan hasil survei dengan baik karena akan
digunakan pada kegiatan selanjutnya.
Bahasa guru:
“Keep the worksheet. We will use it for the next activity.”
Instruksi pada Buku Siswa:
a. Listen to Audio 1.3. Three students are introducing themselves. There are two
parts in the audio. You can listen to Part 1 and then Part 2. Or, you can listen to
both parts in one go. See the Wordbox.
Instruksi untuk guru:
1. Guru menampilkan dan memperdengarkan rekaman Audio 1.3. (Guru dapat
memutarkan rekaman beberapa kali).
Bahasa guru:
“Read and listen to the conversation about three students, Andre, Galang, and
Monita. You know about Andre and Galang. In the conversation Andre is
introducing Monita to Galang.”
2. Guru memandu peserta didik berbicara tentang isi percakapan.
Bahasa guru:
“There are three students in the conversation: Andre, Galang, and Monita. Do
they study in the same class? Why does Andre introduce Galang to Monita?
What does Monita have in common with Andre?”
3. Guru memutar rekaman kembali. Guru dan peserta didik mengidentiikasi cara
Andre memperkenalkan Monita kepada Galang.
Bahasa guru:
“Let’s listen to the conversation again. How does Andre introduce Galang to
Monita? What do Galang and Monita respond to each other in the introduction?”
Bahasa Inggris SMP Fase D Kelas VII