Page 15 - 4. Modul Ajar BAB 1
P. 15
Modul Ajar Kurikulum Merdeka
Instruksi untuk guru:
1. Guru menampilkan ungkapan menyapa orang yang sudah dikenal dan
memperkenalkan orang lain.
Bahasa guru:
“These are the expressions to greet people we know.”
(pointing at Greetings column)
“These are the expressions to introduce someone.”
(pointing at Introducing Someone column)
2. Guru menjelaskan ungkapan memberi salam.
Bahasa guru:
“You can greet people you know by saying Hi or Hello. These greetings are used
informally to people at the same age. For greeting people that are older than you
or you respect you can say Good morning, Good afternoon, or Good evening.
These greetings depend on the time of the day. For example, in the morning you
greet Good morning, etcetera.” “You can also ask the people’s condition by
asking How are you? They can respond by saying ‘I’m ine, thank you.’ or ‘ine,
3. Guru menjelaskan ungkapan dalam mengenalkan orang lain.
Bahasa guru:
“These expressions are used when you are introducing someone. For example,
Andre is introducing Galang to Monita. He says This is Monita to Galang. And,
he says This is Galang to Monita. In addition to the introduction, Andre adds
some information about Galang and Monita. Then, both Galang and Monita say
Nice to meet you.”
Instruksi pada Buku Siswa:
b. Practice the expressions in Table 1.2 with two of your friends.
Instruksi untuk guru:
1. Guru memandu peserta didik berlatih melafalkan ungkapanungkapan pada
Table 1.2.
2. Guru menginformasikan bahwa ungkapan ini akan digunakan untuk kegiatan
memperkenalkan teman di kelas.
Instruksi pada Buku Siswa:
Bahasa Inggris SMP Fase D Kelas VII