Page 19 - 4. Modul Ajar BAB 1
P. 19
Modul Ajar Kurikulum Merdeka
“Listen to Audio 1.5. Galang and Andre talking about their hobbies. What are their
hobbies? How often do they do their hobbies? What tools are needed?”
2. Guru menyampaikan bahwa percakapan ini bisa didengarkan secara bertahap
dari Part 1 sampai dengan Part 4. Bila peserta didik dianggap mampu, maka
percakapan bisa dilakukan tanpa jeda di setiap bagiannya.
Bahasa guru:
“There are four parts in the conversation. The irst focuses on the frequency. Let’s
listen to Part 1. What phrases do we use for asking and giving information related
to the frequency?”
“The second focuses on the tools. Let’s listen to Part 2. What phrases do we use
for asking and giving information related to the tools we need for our hobbies?”
“The third one focuses on Andre’s hobby. What is it? How often does he do it?
What tools does he need for his hobby?”
“The last one is about parting or saying goodbye. Listen to how they say goodbye
at the end of the conversation.”
Instruksi pada Buku Siswa:
b. Identify Galang and Andre’s hobbies, tools, and frequency. Complete Worksheet
1.13 based on the conversation above. One box has been done for you.
Bahasa Inggris SMP Fase D Kelas VII