Page 198 - Making Instruction Work
P. 198

chap 15  3/11/97 5:08 PM  Page 184

             184                making instruction work

             Example #3, continued:

                5. If equipment or space must be shared, is there informa-
                   tion on how to schedule the time?

                6. Is there information on how to handle common ques-
                   tions or problems?

                7. Are there directions on how to handle practice exercises?

                8. Is there information about how and when to suggest the
                   use of alternate resources and activities?

                9. Are there suggestions on how to review criterion test

                This was an admittedly long example, but I feel that
             you deserve to see what a complete example of a criterion-
             referenced module might look like. Other such modules may
             be presented by different combinations of media, but all would
             contain the necessary module components.
                You should now have all the knowledge you need to use the
             Module Checklist on the next page.
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