Page 275 - Making Instruction Work
P. 275
chap 21 3/11/97 5:18 PM Page 261
course improvement 261
Learning Environment Yes No ?
1. Does each student have a copy of
the course procedures (the rules by
which the course is conducted)?
2. Do students report that these pro-
cedures are actually followed?
3. Do students have a course map or
similar document showing how all
the skills of the course relate to one
4. Do course procedures pose a mini-
mum of obstacles between students
and the learning (i.e., do course
procedures facilitate rather than
hinder learning)?
5. Are trainees free to move around
the learning environment (subject
to safety restrictions and group-
related restrictions dictated by
course objectives)?
6. Do students have immediate access
to course components such as texts,
manuals, equipment, parts, dia-
grams, videotapes?
7. Is the environment free of avoidable
distractions such as noise, interrup-
tions,discomfort,harsh or low light-
ing, uncomfortable temperature?