Page 10 - Luce 2021
P. 10

I nternational Perspectives

         A Journal of Two Plague Years

          The allusion in my title is to Daniel   a consequence has been stressful and
          Defoe’s classic account of the   trying. As I have often reflected ruefully,
          devastating outbreak of plague in   the timing of my tenure as a head of
          London in 1665-6 written from the   department has been less than ideal!
          perspective of an eyewitness. First
          published in 1722, it drew less on   I remember well the snap decision to
          Defoe’s own experiences as a five-year-  close the university a few days before
          old child than on the diaries of his uncle,   the first national lockdown and the
          a Whitechapel saddler. It was a creative   frantic scramble to put the Faculty
          mosaic of personal, inherited and social   building in mothballs and to distribute IT
          memory. The same will be true of the   equipment to enable administrative staff
          memoirs that emerge from the current   to work from home. Naïvely, we thought
          pandemic of COVID-19. Whether    this would be reversed in a matter of
          written now or at some point in the   weeks: for some those changed patterns
          future, they too will be a mixture of fact   of activity have now settled into semi-
          and fiction, selective recollection and   permanency. Since then, my colleagues
          strategic forgetting.            and I have navigated a dizzying series
                                           of instructions from the university and
          As an academic historian, it has been   government. We have become, of   bracing ourselves for the next wave and
          both intriguing and sobering to watch   necessity, experts in crisis management   wondering how much havoc Omicron
          how people in Britain, Australia and   and risk assessment. Never has change   will wreak to our hard-won and recently
          around the world have responded to   happened so fast in an eight hundred-  regained freedoms. By the time this
          the events of the last two difficult years.   year-old institution!   appears in print, that question will
          My observations have reminded me of a                              already have been answered.
          seminar class on the Black Death which   We have learnt to turn on a sixpence
          I taught dozens of times as part of an   with each new and unpredictable twist   In the ever-turning kaleidoscope, some
          outline course on medieval and early   in this virus’s history. We have adapted   images and experiences have left a
          modern Europe during my fourteen years  to shifting requirements about social   lasting impression. Eerily deserted
          at the University of Exeter. This revolved   distancing and ventilation and reinvented   streets in the centre of Cambridge that
          around a series of documents that   wheels on teaching and examinations,   are normally teeming with tourists.
          provided insight into the varied reactions   moving them online and then adjusting   Supermarket shelves cleared of flour,
          of contemporaries to the mysterious   their formats back to in-person delivery.   pasta, soap and toilet paper by panic
          disease that ravaged communities in   We have transferred the majority of   buyers. PhD supervisions conducted
          Italy and Germany in the middle years of   meetings to the ubiquitous Zoom.   under trees and in the course of brisk
          the fourteenth century, from morbid fear   Many of these have been punctuated   walks along the Backs and around
          to patient hope and fatalistic resignation.   by the constant refrain of our age   Parker’s Piece. The weekly Thursday
                                           (‘you are mute’) and enlivened by the   evening ‘clap for carers’ on doorsteps
          These documents cast light on the   interruptions of attention-seeking pets   during the first lockdown. Television
          competing theories of causation that   – in my case a mischievous tabby cat   footage of the vaccination clinics set
          circulated, the quarantine measures   returning home with a mouse or hunting   up in the aisles of Salisbury’s and
          towns and cities introduced to   paper clips among the documents and   Chester’s magnificent cathedrals. In
          combat the spread of infection, and   files on the floor of my study.   disappointing contrast, my first two jabs
          the ingenious array of remedies and                                were delivered in a local pharmacy. But
          protective devices adopted by the   In the midst of all this, students   my recent booster injection was given
          populace, from smoke to posies of   and staff have shown extraordinary   by a woman wearing reindeer horns in
          sweet-smelling herbs. Little did I or my   reserves of stamina, adaptability and   a leisure centre brilliantly run by a team
          students imagine that we would live   resilience, even as they have also faced   of dedicated volunteers who managed to
          through something similar in our own   unprecedented levels of uncertainty and   make it feel like a festive occasion.
          lifetimes. This was an aspect of the past   isolation, and, unsurprisingly, shown
          that we believed to be firmly behind us.   signs of anxiety and strain. The autumn   The bereaved families of the millions
          Instead, it turns out, it would come back   term 2021 brought a tantalising glimpse   who have died and the people on the
          to bite us.                      of the Cambridge we thought we had   medical frontline have been through
                                           lost: classrooms full of students relishing   much more harrowing times. Another
          For me, these twenty-four months   the opportunity to debate and discuss;   of the dark undersides of COVID-19
          have been challenging ones. The   college occasions and dinners; concerts,   is divorce and domestic abuse, while
          pandemic has coincided with my   chapel services, sporting fixtures, and   the hidden psychological cost of so
          three-year term as Chair of the Faculty   early morning rowing crews in training   much enforced loneliness and so
          of History at Cambridge and the range   on the misty river. But, as I write, just   many blighted childhoods has yet to
          of responsibilities I have acquired as   two days before Christmas, we are   be counted. Perhaps it is inevitable
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