Page 12 - Luce 2021
P. 12

International Perspectives

          Reflections on the value of connection –
          local and global

          It is said that the most important things   Globally, the pandemic has had
          in life are the connections we make   profound impacts on communities and
          with others. With friends and family,   disproportionately impacted certain
          in business and politics, relationships   groups, including the poorest and most
          inspire our aspirations and grow our   vulnerable among us. Small businesses
          capacity to achieve. As we emerge in   globally were among the hardest hit and
          parts of the world from the depths of   earliest to succumb to the economic
          the COVID-19 pandemic and reconnect
          in ways that had for too long seemed   impacts of the virus as lockdowns forced
          impossible, we should take a moment to   closures intended as temporary became
          reflect on the importance of connecting   permanent.
          for the future we hope to construct
          collectively.                    Perniciously, the pandemic struck our   We did this in keeping with ICC’s
                                           connectivity – prized as a pillar of   purpose as an institution borne of
          For the International Chamber of   opportunity in a globalised world – like   necessity at a time of great uncertainty.
          Commerce (ICC), the institutional   an Achilles’ heel. Global supply chains
          representative of more than 45 million   that had grown over time into complex   ICC is independent, a not-for-profit and
          businesses in more than 130 countries,   webs quickly unravelled.  politically unaligned – these important
          building connections globally is a                                 features enable us to bridge divides in
          fundamental part of our work to promote  As many countries without domestic   challenging markets and to advance our
          peace, prosperity and opportunity for all.  producers of life-saving medical and   mission even when geopolitical tensions
                                           personal protective equipment found   appear at their peak.
          I have the great honour of being the   themselves at risk of losing access to
          first Australian to lead ICC since its   their international suppliers, the impact   Since those early days of the 20th
          founding in 1919 in the aftermath of the   of trade policy on human lives suddenly   century when European and American
          First World War. During my years as a   came into stark relief.    industrialists, aptly named ‘Merchants
          young diplomat stationed in Russia and                             of Peace’, gathered to constitute ICC
          Iraq, I learned the importance of forging   From the pandemic’s onset, my priority   in Paris, the organisation is anchored
          bonds in challenging countries where the  was to ensure ICC helped save lives   in the belief that forging cross-border
          strength of the relationships built made   and livelihoods in the best ways we   commercial exchanges and compliance
          all the difference.              could as an institution. In a first-ever   with the international rule of law reduce
                                           collaboration, ICC joined up with the   the risk of war and contribute greatly to
          After pivoting from the Foreign Service   World Health Organisation to help   preserving peace and rebuilding post-
          to the private sector, I made ‘connected’   disseminate globally real time and   conflict societies.
          a core part of my approach to leading   accurate health information at grass
          the great Australian law firm, Corrs   roots level. We informed businesses on   Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late
          Chambers Westgarth and, more recently,   recommended COVID-19 policies and   February 2022, an unlawful act of
          ICC.                             developed business continuity plans for   aggression by the most populous country
                                           small and medium-sized enterprises in   in Europe has raised questions about
          In my first two years as Secretary   emerging and fragile economies.  whether this tenet still applies. And
          General, I devoted considerable time to                            while it is still too early to presage the
          connecting with the people who form   We also partnered with the World Trade   longer-term fallout from Russia’s actions,
          the global network of ICC, travelling to   Organisation and the World Customs   my confidence in the central premise
          meet them and learn firsthand how their   Organisation to advocate for maintaining   embodied by ICC remains unshaken.
          business communities were shaped and   the much-needed flow of medical
          growing.                         supplies, critical agricultural products   Trade relations alone will never be
                                           and other essential goods and services   sufficient to prevent conflicts from
          But as we all know, our ability to live this  across borders.      escalating, especially in the absence of
          value to its fullest abruptly changed in                           democratic safeguards. But economic
          early 2020.                      Working with the Organisation     interdependence remains a significant
                                           for Economic Co-operation and     deterrent against armed conflict and is a
          With the pandemic inducing lockdowns,   Development (OECD), we acted to   powerful motivator for seeking peace.
          I found myself grounded in one city for   safely revive international travel, which
          the first time in many years – a change   supports millions of businesses large   In complement, the continued
          I quickly came to appreciate for the   and small, as well as the communities in   development of the rule of law in its
          precious time it afforded me with my   which they operate.         public and private forms increases
          normally, very dispersed family.                                   trust in relationships between states,
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