Page 13 - Luce 2021
P. 13

International Perspectives

            businesses and individuals, as well as                              In meetings, Zoom calls, virtual town
            the peaceful resolution of disputes that                            halls and everyday conversations,
            do arise.                                                           I am constantly reminded that the
                                                                                connections we make have enormous
            Yet, it should be apparent now                                      influence on what we imagine to
            that adapting the systems of global                                 be possible. It is inspirational and
            governance to grapple more effectively                              encouraging to push ahead knowing
            and inclusively with the likes of modern                            that bright and talented people the
            warfare and disease, as well as other                               world over are equally committed to
            urgent crises such as climate change                                a better future than the one we can
            and inequality, is critical.                                        envisage today.

            The past two years have produced                                    John W.H. Denton AO (1978)
            deeply consequential events that have                               Secretary General of the International
            challenged long-held assumptions about   John Denton spoke at the Leadership   Chamber of Commerce, Paris.
            the state of the globalised world in   Dinner in 2010
            which we live and will indelibly shape   I am privileged to lead ICC in this
            how we think about the future.    moment to engage the global business
                                              community in the hard yards of creating
            These years have also reminded us that   more peaceful and prosperous societies.
            we must actively seek to build peace
            and solidarity in calmer times to ensure   We are, after all, accurately described
            the resilience of those bonds through   as the world’s largest and now, only       Empty Rue de Rivoli,
            more turbulent periods.           globally functional, platform for second        Paris during lockdown
                                              track diplomacy.                                          (Image by Tangopaso)

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