Page 15 - Luce 2021
P. 15

P oint of  View

            One of the challenges of climate   economic return that cover the costs,   Finally, do you think we are in time to
            change is convincing voters to trust   regardless of how inefficient the process   avert catastrophic climate change, and
            in new technologies in terms of costs   is?  If you have no emission and you are   what will determine the outcome?
            and jobs: how should this argument   wasting clean energy, so what?
            be prosecuted, and is there a role for                              Actually, it worries me deeply that
            universities in leading the charge?  This applies in the building sector also.   we won’t be in time. Unless we make
                                              It is just silly to build a 6-star building   governments responsive to citizens rather
            This is a critical question and universities   if the cost is much more expensive that   than the incumbent businesses, the
            have a significant role in changing the   running the building on clean energy.   policies will focus on keeping the existing
            way many in the place think. Too often   Basically, once a building is operating   carbon and exploitative system in place.
            engineers lose sight of the economics of   on clean energy it is just a question of   I simply don’t understand why businesses
            a project and head down an efficiency   cost and you need to analyse the cost   that don’t vote and who have no children
            rabbit hole. I see that often in the   implication.                 can use financial donations to buy policies
            discussion of hydrogen and energy                                   that work against the interest of individual
            efficiency.                       Also, I don’t see universities really   citizens.
                                              looking at the technology we need
            In the hydrogen area, engineers often   now. We need chemical engineers   This can be fixed with donation reform.
            jump up and down about the round trip   – not electrical engineers – in the   No business should be able to donate to
            engineering efficiency of the process.   hydrogen/ammonia game. All plastics   political parties, and even donations from
            They claim it can’t work because it   and material will be made from   citizens should be capped at a level that
            is highly inefficient. What they fail to   renewable material of clean energy. The   the average citizen can afford. We need
            understand is that if the power used is   role of chemical engineering is massive   a system that makes the government act
            clean, the amount you use is largely   and I still don’t see universities ‘getting   in the interest of the people not in the
            irrelevant. The question is this: can you   with the program’.      interest of large donors.
            produce a product that produces an    

                                                                                                  J anet Clarke Hall  15
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