Page 8 - 김희재 초대전 2023. 8. 16 – 9. 15 일조원갤러리
P. 8
as an image representing the subject. Darkness is functionally operating on the original symbol in which ◎ The Unity of the Sky, Earth, and People
thistles and wildflowers scatter in the wind. I.e., darkness has the role of an eraser covering and completely
erasing all Earthly subjects. As such, the spiritual art realm she pursues completely and tidily erases Clouds and the Sun
everything in the world and is revived. It seeks to advance toward existence through a contest between There are various types of clouds including fluffy clouds, cumuli, the cirrocumulus, dark clouds, passing
absences, and toward affirmation through a contest between denials. Its completeness is in the “birth of clouds, and resplendent colored clouds. The different mythologies generally interpret clouds as holiness,
the self and the world” she has emphasized. abundance, and natural harmony. Also, in Jeju-do Island shamanism, clouds appear at the first dawn of
Creation to serve as the motive power of the creation of heaven and earth. Notably, colored clouds imply
Into the Imagination the appearance of something sublime as a rare sight. As such, clouds symbolize mild weather and nature’s
- Orpheus and Eurydice’s Tragic Love smooth harmony along with rain and wind. In Taoism, clouds are a sign of Utopia and paramitas along
I admired recently completed works in her basement atelier once again. Suddenly, in a few pictures, with the darkening sky at dusk. If the valleys and mountains accompanying clouds signify the place of
jubilation, passion, and outcries mix into a field of reeds blown about by a strong wind to shake all of the surreality, clouds are the mental symbol of surreality. White clouds, in particular, are sublimated to the
Earth. Meanwhile, my mind naturally settled into imagination. It was of the Sturm und Drang (storm and level of detached selflessness with the heart of escaping the world, representing a state of seclusion
urge) literary style, a designation derived from the German writer Friedrich Maximilian Klinger’s play title. It transcending reality.
was in that literary climate Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther was written. According to a common theme of shamanistic mythology, the sun is the one and only entity organizing
Orpheus was passed down, and taught how to perform, a lyre from his father Apollo, and his skill was the chaos at the Beginning and rectifying the order of the universe, and it serves the role of sending warm
fantastic and of the highest level. Also, Orpheus married his beautiful lover Eurydice. Shortly after the light to all the world from a high place. In the Old Testament, the sun symbolizes the Creative Power of
marriage, Eurydice was out for a walk with her fellow nymphs when she captured the attention of the Jehovah, and Christ the Son of God is called “the sun of justice.” The Lord’s sacred day is therefore called
beekeeper Aristaeus. When that beekeeper, enamored with Eurydice’s beauty, tried to speak to her, a Sunday, the day of the sun. The sun, symbolizing God and God’s Creation as such, has sanctity, authority,
startled Eurydice fled and stepped on a poisonous snake, which fatally bit her. and a beautiful image. Also, the sun symbolizes the universe’s highest power, an omniscient God, the heart
Orpheus, on whom tragedy befell, wandered around until he sang and played his lyre before Hades and of the universe, and the center of existence in being at the center of the sky and, further, the universe.
Persephone, the king and queen of the underworld. Deeply moved, Hades decided to send Eurydice back According to Carl Jung’s psychoanalysis, Kim Heejae’s white clouds and white sun can ultimately be
into the world with Orpheus. There was just one condition, that Orpheus must not turn his head to look considered to symbolize life’s source and humanity’s ultimate wholeness.
at Eurydice until the two were back in the world. However, when they were almost at the exit, Orpheus
turned back, and Eurydice was pulled back into the underworld. Afterwards, Orpheus was unable to eat or The Riddle of Yellow Green, Green, and White
sleep and perished, and Zeus took his lyre and fixed it in the heavens as a constellation. Louis Cheskin said colors operate on the mind. If a painting is a condensed expression of the mind,
A man struts into the dazing and breathtaking, stormy and desirous tragedy. “I went back and looked, the colors in a painting can be said to directly reflect the painter’s heart. Therefore, paintings and color
and the guy was still there.” - “Ouch! It hurts. Let go of me, let go.” Kim Sowol’s “Spirit Call,” which pulls at the research are closely related to psychology. As such, a painting’s forms are symbols, and arguably subjects
heartstrings, is suddenly stuck in my head. through which one could understand the phenomenon of human consciousness. The color images
paintings represent can be called representations of that individual’s emotions or sentiments.
Name that is shattered to pieces! / Name that parted ways midair!... / The word remaining on my mind / As one of the most universal symbols, colors can generally be divided into two types. One is the
I was unable to utter to the end!... // ...On a mountain I broke away and sit / I call your name // ...Although “progressive color” inducing active and warm feelings, and the other is the “regressive color” inducing
the sound of my call bypasses / It is too wide between the sky and earth. / Oh name I will call until I die! / passive and cold feelings. Meanwhile, a combination of these two is green. Kim Heejae’s picture planes
Even if I become a stone standing here / That person I loved / That person I loved // are full of light green, i.e., yellow green, and dark green. Yellow green implies life here, but green implies
mysteriousness while at the same time symbolizing foresight, repose, simplicity, and peace. Her yellow-