Page 7 - Homeroom Primer
P. 7


                       T  H  I  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N     C  O  V  E  R  S     A  L  L     Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S     A  N  D

                       C   O  N  C   E  R  N  S     R  E  G  A  R  D  I  N  G     S  U  B  J  E  C  T     O  F  F  E  R  I  N  G  S

                                            F  O  R     T  H  E     A  C  A  D  E  M  I  C     Y  E  A  R  .

                                                                        When is Filipino and Foreign

                                                                        Languages (FFL) offered?

                                                                        The FFL is divided into two groups - Filipino and Foreign
                                                                        Languages. The Filipino subject is divided into
                                                                        Foundation and Standard Level while the Foreign

                                                                        Language is divided into Chinese and French.

                                                                        The FFL subject is offered the whole academic year
                                                                        with a varying number of synchronous and asynchronous

                                                                        classes. A student is expected to be part of one Filipino
                                                                        class and one Foreign Language Class.

             How would you know whether to join

             Standard or Foundation Filipino Class?

             There are two processes that the FFL Department uses to
             identify the appropriate Filipino class for the student.

             Originally, the Standard Filipino subject is offered to natural
             born Filipinos. Non- Filipino speaking students attend the

             Foundation Filipino class. However, on his/ her first week of
             class, the Standard Filipino subject teacher shall observe and

             monitor the students in his/ her class. Students who were
             having difficulty with the Filipino language, both written and

             oral, will then be recommended to join the Foundation Filipino
             class with the approval of their parents.
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