Page 8 - Homeroom Primer
P. 8


                       T  H  I  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N     C  O  V  E  R  S     A  L  L     Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S     A  N  D

                       C   O  N  C   E  R  N  S     R  E  G  A  R  D  I  N  G     S  U  B  J  E  C  T     O  F  F  E  R  I  N  G  S

                                            F  O  R     T  H  E     A  C  A  D  E  M  I  C     Y  E  A  R  .

                                                                        Is a student allowed to switch Filipino


                                                                        Students who are in Standard Filipino are encouraged to
                                                                        stay in the Standard Filipino class. However, if there is a

                                                                        need to transfer to Foundation Filipino, the Filipino
                                                                        teacher will ask for an intention letter that includes the

                                                                        reason for transferring and plans for college to help the
                                                                        student decide.

                                                                        Transferring from Foundation to Standard Filipino Class
                                                                        will be done based on the recommendation of the

                                                                        Filipino teacher.

           How would you know whether a high

           school student should join Chinese or

           French Class?

           The student is asked during the first subject meeting to
           choose between Chinese and French.

           Is a student allowed to switch Foreign

           Language classes?

           No, the student must stay in the chosen Foreign

           Language Class until he or she graduates from
           Southville to ensure mastery of skills.
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