Page 11 - Homeroom Primer
P. 11


                       T  H  I  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N     C  O  V  E  R  S     A  L  L     Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S     A  N  D

                      C  O   N  C  E  R  N  S     R  E  G  A  R  D  I  N  G     A  C  A  D  E  M  I  C     P  O  L  I  C  I  E  S  ,

                           S  U  B  M   I  S  S  I  O  N  S  .     C  L  A  S  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N  I  N  G  ,     A  N  D

                                                          W   I  T  H  D  R  A  W  A  L  .

                                                       Is it the task of the adviser to follow-up on the

                                                       INC Grade of a student from the previous level?

                                                        Ideally, the previous homeroom adviser should have corrected this
                                                       during summer class. However, in some cases where the student would

                                                       go to the next level without completing the requirements from the
                                                       previous year, it is the responsibility of the Level Facilitator from the
                                                       previous year to coordinate the pending requirements with the

                                                       students, parents, adviser, and current adviser. The level facilitator
                                                       may refer to the Summer File on Google Sheets shared by the Deputy

                                                       Principal to identify the pending requirements.

          My student got high scores in both unit tests

          and in the final assessment. However, few PTs

          were not submitted. Should I mark the student

          INC and wait for him/her to turn them in or

          should I compute the grade as it is even if it

          would significantly pull his grade down?

          Students are expected to submit their PTs on time. The subject

          teacher should first find out why a particular student has not
          submitted his/her output so that help could be extended. The parent

          is then informed through the class adviser that a PT was not
          submitted on time and another chance is given but the highest
          grade that the student can get is S (91-95%). If the student fails to

          submit the second time, he/she gets zero.
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