Page 14 - Homeroom Primer
P. 14


                         H  I  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N     C  O  V  E  R  S     A  L  L     Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S     A  N  D

            C   O  N   C  E  R  N  S     R  E  G  A  R  D  I  N  G     A  T  T  E  N  D  A  N  C  E  ,     P  U  N  C  T  U  A  L  I  T  Y  ,

                   A  N  D     T  A  R  D  I  N  E  S  S     O  F     T  H  E     S  T  U  D  E  N  T     D  U  R  I  N  G     V  O  L  T

                                                              C  L  A  S  S  E  S  .

                                                                            Should parents be informed when a

                                                                            student is late in class?

                                                                            Yes. The class adviser should inform parents that

                                                                            their child is late in class. He/She should make an
                                                                            effort to find out why the student is late. In the same
                                                                            way, the student and his/her parents should have the

                                                                            initiative to inform the class adviser the reason for
                                                                            this. Communication may be done via text message,

                                                                            phone call, or email. The homeroom adviser should
                                                                            check the e-SAMS at the end of the day to identify

                                                                            those students who were late in each class. In the
                                                                            same way, the subject teachers should ensure that

                                                                            the e-SAMS is updated every day.

           What are valid excuses for a student’s

           absence with the current online setup?

           The following may be considered as valid excuses: (a)

           poor internet connectivity - verified with parents; (b)
           electronic device is not working - verified with
           parents; (c) sick or not feeling well - with excuse

           letter or note from parents; (d) death in the family -
           with excuse letter or note from parents.
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