Page 13 - Homeroom Primer
P. 13

                      TTENDANCE/ PUNCTUALITY

                         H  I  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N     C  O  V  E  R  S     A  L  L     Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S     A  N  D

            C   O  N   C  E  R  N  S     R  E  G  A  R  D  I  N  G     A  T  T  E  N  D  A  N  C  E  ,     P  U  N  C  T  U  A  L  I  T  Y  ,

                   A  N  D     T  A  R  D  I  N  E  S  S     O  F     T  H  E     S  T  U  D  E  N  T     D  U  R  I  N  G     V  O  L  T

                                                              C  L  A  S  S  E  S  .

                                                                            What will happen if the student will

                                                                            not attend synchronous classes?

                                                                            Will it affect his/her grade?

                                                                            The class attendance will not affect the grade or any

                                                                            components in an online set-up. However, the
                                                                            student will be missing class discussions and
                                                                            activities which are essential in the learning process.

                                                                            The adviser and subject teachers should always
                                                                            encourage students to (actively) join the class.

           Should parents be informed when a

           student is absent in class?

           Yes. The class adviser should communicate with the
           parents and find out why the student is absent. In the
           same way, the student and his/her parents should have

           the initiative to inform the class adviser the reason for
           this. Communication may be done via text message,

           phone call, or email. The homeroom adviser should check
           the e-SAMS at the end of the day to identify those

           students who were absent in each class. In the same
           way, the subject teachers should ensure that the e-

           SAMS is updated every day.
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