Page 21 - Our Play Curriculum
P. 21

CHOICES – As children grow and develop, they

                                                                                                  are continually exploring what it is that identifies
                                                                                                    them as being different from, and a part of, the

                                                                                                  society and culture to which they belong.  Having

                                                                                                  choices, helps with this aspect of life for children,

                                                                                                 affording children the opportunity to choose what
                                                                                                 they do and how they do it. Having choices is more

                                                                                                      than just having different resources and play

                                                                                                       opportunities; it is about giving children the
                                                                                                opportunity to be actively involved in creating their

                                                                                                   own play spaces that meet their own needs in a

                                                                                                                        supportive environment.
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