Page 19 - Guaranty Home Mortgage-2022-Benefit Guide
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Additional Benefits

                                                                Will Preparation Services
        Employee Assistance Program                             Having a will is important to ensure that your intentions will
        Because personal issues can affect every aspect of your   be honored in the event of your death. You have access
        life, we automatically provide you and your family with an   to Mutual of Omaha Will Preparation Services provided
        Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Mutual of     by Epoq, Inc. This free service helps you create a simple,
        Omaha at no cost to you. Call the EAP 24/7 for unlimited   legally binding will online, saving you the time and expense
        confidential assistance with nearly any personal matter   of a private legal consultation. Other advantages include:
        you may be experiencing.                                   ●  Online assistance from licensed attorneys should you
                                                                  have questions
        You and your family have access to three free
        consultations with a licensed clinician per incident,      ●  Unlimited revisions at no additional charge
        per individual, per calendar year.                         ●  Additional estate planning services are also available
                                                                  for purchase, including the creating of a living will or a
        Services include:                                         final arrangements document that allows you to specify
          Legal Services: Consultations for issues relating to civil,   burial or cremation preferences
          consumer, personal and family law, financial matters,   Create your will at and use the
          business law, real estate, estate planning, and more
                                                                code MUTUALWILLS to register.
           ●  Financial Services: Budgeting, credit and financial
          guidance, retirement planning, and assistance with    Travel Assistance and Identity Theft
          tax issues
           ●  Childcare and Eldercare Assistance: Needs assessment   Protection Services
          along with referrals to childcare and eldercare providers  When you’re traveling and the unexpected happens,
                                                                take advantage of travel assistance. With a local presence
           ●  Identity Theft Recovery Services: Information on   in 200 countries and territories around the world and 24/7
          identity theft prevention, an identity theft emergency   assistance centers, Mutual of Omaha is available to help you.
          response kit, and help if you are victimized          Support for identity theft protection is also available whether
          Daily Living Services: Referrals to help with event
           ●                                                    you’re traveling or at home.
          planning, transportation services, pet services, and more
                                                                For more information, call contact Mutual of Omaha at:
        Confidential assistance is available any time by calling
        800-316-2796 or logging on to       ●  Inside the U.S.: 800-856-9947
                                                                   ● Outside the U.S.: 312-935-3658
                                                                   ●  Online:
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